The Dogmatic Council of Trent teaches that Judas Iscariot was condemned to Hell The Catechism of the Council of Trent, which mentions Judas Iscariot several times, wrote that he possessed "motive unworthy …More
The Dogmatic Council of Trent teaches that Judas Iscariot was condemned to Hell
The Catechism of the Council of Trent, which mentions Judas Iscariot several times, wrote that he possessed "motive unworthy" when he entered the priesthood and was thus sentenced to "eternal perdition."[101] Furthermore, Judas is given as an example of a sinner that will "despair of mercy" because he looked "...on God as an avenger of crime and not, also, as a God of clemency and mercy."[102] All of the council's decrees were confirmed by Pope Pius IV on 28 January 1564.[103] Thus, an ecumenical council, confirmed by the Magisterium of a Pope, affirmed that Judas Iscariot was condemned to Hell. The Council of Trent continued the tradition of the early Church fathers, such as Pope Leo I ("...had [Judas] not thus denied His omnipotence, he would have obtained His mercy..."[104]), and Pope Gregory I ("The godless betrayer, shutting his mind to all these things, turned upon himself, not with a mind to repent, …More
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio incita a la revolución francesa a escala global. Donde los católicos apóstatas declaran la guerra a la Verdadera Iglesia Católica y nos persiguen a los fieles católicos que nos atrevemos a defender las leyes de Dios y por ende la Sana Doctrina Católica contra el falso papa. Los seguidores de Bergoglio crucifican a la Iglesia en nombre de Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio incita a revolução francesa em escala global. Onde católicos apóstatas declaram guerra à Verdadeira Igreja Católica e perseguem a nós, católicos fiéis, que ousamos defender as leis de Deus e, portanto, a Sã Doutrina Católica contra o falso papa. Os seguidores de Bergoglio crucificam a Igreja em nome de Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio incites the French revolution on a global scale. Where apostate Catholics declare war on the True Catholic Church and persecute us faithful Catholics who dare to defend the laws of God and therefore the Sound Catholic Doctrine against the false pope. Bergoglio's followers crucify the Church in Bergoglio's name.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio incite à la révolution française à l'échelle mondiale. Où les catholiques apostats déclarent la guerre à la véritable Église catholique et nous persécutent, nous, fidèles catholiques, qui osons défendre les lois de Dieu et donc la saine doctrine catholique contre le faux pape. Les disciples de Bergoglio crucifient l'Église au nom de Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio incita alla rivoluzione francese su scala mondiale. Dove i cattolici apostati dichiarano guerra alla Vera Chiesa Cattolica e perseguitano noi fedeli cattolici che osiamo difendere le leggi di Dio e quindi la sana dottrina cattolica contro il falso papa. I seguaci di Bergoglio crocifiggono la Chiesa nel nome di Bergoglio.
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la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio stiftet die Französische Revolution auf globaler Ebene an. Wo abtrünnige Katholiken der wahren katholischen Kirche den Krieg erklären und uns gläubige Katholiken verfolgen, die es wagen, die Gesetze Gottes und damit die gesunde katholische Lehre gegen den falschen Papst zu verteidigen. Bergoglios Anhänger kreuzigen die Kirche im Namen Bergoglios.
la verdad prevalece
貝爾戈利奧在全球煽動法國革命。 叛教的天主教徒向真正的天主教會宣戰,並迫害我們這些敢於捍衛上帝律法的忠實天主教徒,從而捍衛健全的天主教教義,反對假教皇。 貝爾戈利奧的追隨者以貝爾戈利奧的名義將教會釘在十字架上。
la verdad prevalece
Бергольо провоцирует французскую революцию в глобальном масштабе. Где католики-отступники объявляют войну Истинной Католической Церкви и преследуют нас, верных католиков, которые осмеливаются защищать законы Божьи и, следовательно, Здоровую Католическую Доктрину от лжепапы. …More
Бергольо провоцирует французскую революцию в глобальном масштабе. Где католики-отступники объявляют войну Истинной Католической Церкви и преследуют нас, верных католиков, которые осмеливаются защищать законы Божьи и, следовательно, Здоровую Католическую Доктрину от лжепапы. Последователи Бергольо распинают Церковь во имя Бергольо.
la verdad prevalece
بيرجوليو يحرض على الثورة الفرنسية على نطاق عالمي. حيث يعلن الكاثوليك المرتدون الحرب على الكنيسة الكاثوليكية الحقيقية ويضطهدوننا نحن الكاثوليك المؤمنين الذين يجرؤون على الدفاع عن قوانين الله وبالتالي العقيدة الكاثوليكية السليمة ضد البابا الكاذب. أتباع بيرجوليو يصلبون الكنيسة باسم بيرجوليو.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio ปลุกปั่นให้เกิดการปฏิวัติฝรั่งเศสในระดับโลก ที่ซึ่งชาวคาทอลิกที่ละทิ้งความเชื่อประกาศสงครามกับคริสตจักรคาทอลิกที่แท้จริงและข่มเหงพวกเราชาวคาทอลิกผู้ซื่อสัตย์ที่กล้าปกป้องกฎหมายของพระเจ้าและด้วยเหตุนี้หลักคำสอนคาทอลิกที่ถูกต้องจึงต่อต้านพระสันตะปาปาจอมปลอม สาวกของแบร์โกลีโอตรึงกางเขนโบสถ์ในนามของแบร์โกลีโอ
la verdad prevalece
Ang Bergoglio ay nag-uudyok sa rebolusyong Pranses sa isang pandaigdigang saklaw. Kung saan ang mga apostatang Katoliko ay nagdeklara ng digmaan sa Tunay na Simbahang Katoliko at inuusig kaming mga tapat na Katoliko na nangahas na ipagtanggol ang mga batas ng Diyos at samakatuwid ay ang Tunay na Doktrina ng Katoliko laban sa huwad na papa. Ipinako ng mga tagasunod ni Bergoglio ang Simbahan sa pangalan …More
Ang Bergoglio ay nag-uudyok sa rebolusyong Pranses sa isang pandaigdigang saklaw. Kung saan ang mga apostatang Katoliko ay nagdeklara ng digmaan sa Tunay na Simbahang Katoliko at inuusig kaming mga tapat na Katoliko na nangahas na ipagtanggol ang mga batas ng Diyos at samakatuwid ay ang Tunay na Doktrina ng Katoliko laban sa huwad na papa. Ipinako ng mga tagasunod ni Bergoglio ang Simbahan sa pangalan ni Bergoglio.
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The dogmatic Council of Trent teaches that Judas Iscariot was condemned to hell.
The arrogance of the Bergoglians in supporting Bergoglio in his rebellion against God and against the Church while joining him in rejecting Tradition, doubting the teachings of the Church and defending a man condemned to hell is diabolical.
From the beginning, these Bergoglians cheerleaders have joined him in ridiculing …More
The dogmatic Council of Trent teaches that Judas Iscariot was condemned to hell.
The arrogance of the Bergoglians in supporting Bergoglio in his rebellion against God and against the Church while joining him in rejecting Tradition, doubting the teachings of the Church and defending a man condemned to hell is diabolical.
From the beginning, these Bergoglians cheerleaders have joined him in ridiculing, attacking the Church, and persecuting faithful Catholics who defend sound Catholic doctrine. Indeed, they separated from the Catholic Church and joined the anti-Church of the Antichrist to persecute and crucify the Catholic Church. This is why they are in FULL communion with the condemned. The book of Revelation declares that the false pope and his worshipers will be thrown into the fires of Hell.
la verdad prevalece
Three famous saints addressed Judas' final disposition:
St. Augustine: "For Judas, when he killed himself, killed a wicked man, and passed from this life chargeable not only with the death of Christ, but also with his own: for though he killed himself on account of his crime, his killing himself was another crime."
St. Thomas Aquinas: "In the case of Judas, the abuse of grace was the reason for …More
Three famous saints addressed Judas' final disposition:

St. Augustine: "For Judas, when he killed himself, killed a wicked man, and passed from this life chargeable not only with the death of Christ, but also with his own: for though he killed himself on account of his crime, his killing himself was another crime."

St. Thomas Aquinas: "In the case of Judas, the abuse of grace was the reason for his reprobation, since he was made reprobate because he died without grace."

Pope St. Leo the Great: "The godless betrayer, shutting his mind to all these things [offerings of God's Mercy], turned upon himself, not with a mind to repent, but in the madness of self-destruction; so that this man who had sold the Author of Life to the executioners of His death, even in the act of dying sinned unto the increase of his own eternal punishment."
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Augustine. They then who were chosen ate the Lord; he ate the bread of the Lord, to injure the Lord; they ate life, he damnation; for he that eats unworthily, eats damnation to himself (1 Cor 11:27).
Augustine. He was speaking of His bodily presence; for in respect of His majesty, providence, ineffable and invisible grace, those words are fulfilled, Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the …More
Augustine. They then who were chosen ate the Lord; he ate the bread of the Lord, to injure the Lord; they ate life, he damnation; for he that eats unworthily, eats damnation to himself (1 Cor 11:27).

Augustine. He was speaking of His bodily presence; for in respect of His majesty, providence, ineffable and invisible grace, those words are fulfilled, Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world (Matt 28:20). Or thus: In the person of Judas are represented the wicked in the Church; for if you are a good man, you have Christ now by faith, and the Sacrament, and you shall have Him always, for when you have departed hence, you shall go to Him who said to the thief, Today shall thou be with Me in paradise (Luke 23:43). But if you are wicked, you seem to have Christ, because you are baptized with the baptism of Christ, because you approach to the altar of Christ: but by reason of your wicked life, you shall not have Him always. It is not you have, but you have, the whole body of wicked men being addressed in Judas. Much people of the Jews therefore knew that He was there, and they came not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom He had raised from the dead. Curiosity brought them, not love
The traditional Catholic church was founded by Jesus Himself. Francis is founding his own church, tweaking the Novus Ordo ("new order").
la verdad prevalece
Raban.: He “hung himself,” to shew that he was hateful to both heaven and earth.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio, küresel ölçekte Fransız devrimini kışkırtıyor. Mürted Katoliklerin Gerçek Katolik Kilisesi'ne savaş ilan ettiği ve Tanrı'nın kanunlarını ve dolayısıyla Sağlam Katolik Doktrinini sahte papaya karşı savunmaya cesaret eden biz sadık Katoliklere zulmettiği yer. Bergoglio'nun takipçileri Bergoglio adına Kilise'yi çarmıha gererler.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio stimuleert de Franse revolutie op wereldschaal. Waar afvallige katholieken de oorlog verklaren aan de ware katholieke kerk en ons, trouwe katholieken, vervolgen die de wetten van God en daarom de gezonde katholieke leer tegen de valse paus durven te verdedigen. De volgelingen van Bergoglio kruisigen de Kerk in de naam van Bergoglio.
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Bergoglio oppfordrer til den franske revolusjonen på global skala. Hvor frafalne katolikker erklærer krig mot den sanne katolske kirke og forfølger oss trofaste katolikker som våger å forsvare Guds lover og derfor den sunde katolske doktrine mot den falske paven. Bergoglios tilhengere korsfester kirken i Bergoglios navn.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio kích động cuộc cách mạng Pháp trên quy mô toàn cầu. Nơi những người Công giáo bội đạo tuyên chiến với Giáo hội Công giáo chân chính và bách hại chúng tôi, những người Công giáo trung thành, những người dám bảo vệ luật pháp của Thiên Chúa và do đó là Học thuyết Công giáo đúng đắn chống lại giáo hoàng giả. Những người theo Bergoglio đóng đinh Giáo hội nhân danh Bergoglio.