This is so tiresome. God save us from petty boomers who can’t bear to see the church they made in their own image disintegrating as they face the death throes of their time in leadership. Meanwhile, …More
This is so tiresome. God save us from petty boomers who can’t bear to see the church they made in their own image disintegrating as they face the death throes of their time in leadership. Meanwhile, us younger priests are trying to be fathers to a lot of hurt and hungry souls.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe it's because I'm too young (29), or too impatient, or maybe that I resent what the Church turned into long before I was born so that the garbage that came in the 960's when my Mom and Dad were infants today is accepted as totally normal that we've been turned into Protestants in all but name. But I'm not interested in hearing about people watching the Church go down under a heretic papacy and …More
Maybe it's because I'm too young (29), or too impatient, or maybe that I resent what the Church turned into long before I was born so that the garbage that came in the 960's when my Mom and Dad were infants today is accepted as totally normal that we've been turned into Protestants in all but name. But I'm not interested in hearing about people watching the Church go down under a heretic papacy and his goons like Cardinal Gregory, and listen to advice from others to "just pray, pray, pray". That's all nice and good, but it has not changed anything so far. Even on this site, from time to time I read reports of Francis being sick, and on other sites that he is actually "seriously ill" That's fake news. Francis seems to recover from every "illness" he gets, and rebounds worse than ever.
I just turned 29, and believe me, I'm not willing to stick to Cardinal Gregory's church, hoping that a new Pope will change things for the better. Maybe, it it's taking a long time for Francis to check out. while the few good guys are getting older and older.
I'm going to follow the SSPX, or Archbishop Vigano, or sede vacantists (😱😱😱😱😱!!!!) whereever they are, rather than stick with the established Church and "pray,pray,pray...." Gregory's obnoxious comment of "those who don't like the Novus Ordo can leave the Church" I hope backfires on him bigtime. But it proves that these old gay guys from top to bottom aren't going to give up power until they're all dead.....and I don't feel like waiting that long for the Church to change.🤪
Paul F
"Soon we will have priests reduced to the role of social worker and message of faith reduced to political vision. Everything will seem lost, but at the right time, at the most dramatic stage of crisis, the Church will be reborn. It will be smaller, poorer, almost catacumbal, but also more holy. For it will no longer be the Church of those who seek to please the world, but the Church of the faithful …More
"Soon we will have priests reduced to the role of social worker and message of faith reduced to political vision. Everything will seem lost, but at the right time, at the most dramatic stage of crisis, the Church will be reborn. It will be smaller, poorer, almost catacumbal, but also more holy. For it will no longer be the Church of those who seek to please the world, but the Church of the faithful to God and His eternal law. The rebirth will be the work of a small, seemingly insignificant yet indomitable break, past a purification process. Because this is how God works. Against evil, a small pack resists."
(Joseph Ratzinger)
John A Cassani
This displays a real hatred for priests. The fact is, it was difficult to find priests to accommodate the lay groups that were asking for the TLM, back in the 80s and 90s anyway. How did priests and seminarians come to desire it? It certainly wasn’t from their seminaries.
Back in NY where I come from we had to go looking for a priest.Una Voce was not run by priests!