
Tucho Manipulates the Words of Christ

A single mother is not prevented from receiving Communion in the Novus Ordo. Tucho Fernández said this in an answer published on 14 December to a question posed by Bishop Ramón Alfredo de la Cruz Baldera of San Francisco de Macorís, Dominican Republic.

De la Cruz is an "academic" who earned a doctorate in Bonn, Germany, and was rector of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra before Francis made him a bishop. One wonders, then, why he bothered Tucho with a question that could have been answered by anyone with even an elementary knowledge of the Catechism.

Correspondingly, Tucho presented the truism that "as for all other Christians, the sacramental confession of sins allows the person to approach Communion".

The problem began, however, when Tucho took the opportunity to belittle the Gospel: "Often, when commenting on the biblical episode of the adulterous woman (Jn 8:1-11), the last sentence is emphasised: 'sin no more'".

For Tucho, this crucial conclusion "does not constitute the central message of this Gospel pericope", which, he claims, "is simply the invitation to recognise that no one can cast the first stone".

Even for a simple believer, it is enough to read the text to see that Tucho's interpretation is wrong.

Picture: Tucho Fernández © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsImobycfmpa

Ivan Tomas
Arch heretic. In sane times he should be properly judged by the real Holy Inquisition.
la verdad prevalece
The homosexual Tucho is Bergoglio's accomplice from Argentina. In Argentina, the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio used the same anti-Catholic argument of "single mothers" to support the gay adoptions of the famous homosexual transvestite Roberto Trinidad and to approve surrogacy for homosexuals, to whom the heresiarch Bergoglio also allowed sacrilegious communion. Bergoglio persecuted and insulted in …More
The homosexual Tucho is Bergoglio's accomplice from Argentina. In Argentina, the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio used the same anti-Catholic argument of "single mothers" to support the gay adoptions of the famous homosexual transvestite Roberto Trinidad and to approve surrogacy for homosexuals, to whom the heresiarch Bergoglio also allowed sacrilegious communion. Bergoglio persecuted and insulted in his diocese the two faithful priests who opposed this sacrilege. Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony …
John A Cassani
That is a diabolical misreading of the Gospel. He doesn’t believe that grace is sufficient for one to be able to amend his or her life. This is why he, and the guy whose material he writes, speak of leaving sin behind as some sort of undo burden. They do not hold the Catholic doctrine of grace.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Tucho's interpretation is wrong."....He's just repeating what Francis would want/expect to hear. I think he talks to his pal Francis first, who tells him what to think/say/write. 🤮