THE NOVEMBER ELECTION: The City of God vs. the City of Man. In this Sunday Sermon from So. Saint Paul, Father takes us back to St. Augustine, whose greatest work is as relevant right now as it has ever …More
THE NOVEMBER ELECTION: The City of God vs. the City of Man.

In this Sunday Sermon from So. Saint Paul, Father takes us back to St. Augustine, whose greatest work is as relevant right now as it has ever been. Augustine lived in the last days of the Roman Empire, and he fought to preserve order and the rule of law--against the advance of the pagan barbarians--for as long as possible, even though the Empire itself had not yet embraced Christianity. He set up the City of God against the City of Man as an argument in favor of putting off the chastisement that would come in the years immediately after his death. Rome turned out NOT to be eternal, and neither will America last forever. Will we turn back to God in time? Or are we witnessing the end? STAY IN TOUCH with RTV -- Sign up for Michael Matt's Free E Letter: remnantnewspaper.com/web/inde... Last week's "Editor's Desk" is Here: www.youtube.com/watch Support The Remnant Foundation with a tax-deductible donation: remnantnewspaper.com/web/inde... Like, Comment, and Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Shop REMNANT MERCH: shop.remnantnewspaper.com Subscribe to the REMNANT NEWSPAPER: remnantnewspaper.com/web/inde... Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: twitter.com/michael_j_matt @Michael_J_Matt @remnantnews Follow Michael Matt on Parler: parler.com/profile/MichaelMat... Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: www.facebook.com/michaelmatt