Gloria.TV News on the 21st of August 2015 Ignorant Pope? Pope Francis was sucked into Argentina’s dispute with the U.K. over the Falkland Islands after an activist thrust a sign in his hands on which …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of August 2015

Ignorant Pope? Pope Francis was sucked into Argentina’s dispute with the U.K. over the Falkland Islands after an activist thrust a sign in his hands on which was written in Spanish: “It is time for dialogue between Argentina and the United Kingdom about Falkland.” Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner immediately tweeted the photo of Francis holding the sign. A Vatican spokesman claimed that Francis had no idea what the poster was.

Catastrophic Consequences: The betrayal of parental rights in the discussion document for the upcoming Synode on the Family will have catastrophic consequences for ordinary families, writes Voice of the Family in an article published on August 20. It quotes the British Labour politician Ed Balls who said that once the British bill for compulsory sex education in schools was passed Catholic schools would have to tell children how to access an abortion and teach that homosexuality was “normal and harmless.”

Cheating Dirtbags: At least two dozen Vatican addresses are listed among the 37 million users of the hacked website Ashley Madison whose names were exposed in public. The website offers to meet married people for liaisons. There are also 15,000 people with US military addresses and 140 British government workers. The hackers entered the website because they consider the users of Ashley Madison as “cheating dirtbags”.

Who is Getting Whom? U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Pope Francis “seems like a pretty good guy,” but if the pope started talking to him about the ills of capitalism, he would say that ISIS “wants to get you.” ISIS is a Sunni organisation supported by the Western Powers in order to harm the axis Damascus-Tehran-Moscow-Beijing and to sever their access to the Mediterranean Sea.
Ignorant Pope? No
Headline with loaded language? YesMore
Ignorant Pope? No

Headline with loaded language? Yes
There is no doubt that there this idioligy ,and its not from God ,to force the world into accepting ""abortion in demand ,gay marriage{sedomy } divorced and living together couples {,Fornication}.and to have comunion in the name of mercy ,as normal .On the same token where are our catholic leaders ,on selling babies organs from abortion clinics in the USA.It hurts me to know that they are are …More
There is no doubt that there this idioligy ,and its not from God ,to force the world into accepting ""abortion in demand ,gay marriage{sedomy } divorced and living together couples {,Fornication}.and to have comunion in the name of mercy ,as normal .On the same token where are our catholic leaders ,on selling babies organs from abortion clinics in the USA.It hurts me to know that they are are following this secularism atheism evil ways of the world .The Lord have mercy on their souls
Chris P.
ISIS is NOT supported by any Western Powers as stated in the video.
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The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
is a Salafi jihadist extremist militant group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate,
which is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria.
Chris P.
Politicians all over the world will use the Pope for their own goals.
The Pope needs to stick to Doctrine of the Faith, rather than personal political opinions.More
Politicians all over the world will use the Pope for their own goals.

The Pope needs to stick to Doctrine of the Faith, rather than personal political opinions.
One more comment from Chris P.
Chris P.
Pope Francis will be used by politicians, if he lets them.
The Pope needs to stick to Doctrine of the Faith, without personal political opinions.