
Bischop Rey lied under oath before Toulon criminal court

Toulon is a towm in the South of France ( Var department) between Monaco and Marseille, on the Riviera.

Bishop Rey is known in the international press for having been banned for 2 years from ordaining priests in his diocese because of his refusal to discern vocations, a refusal which Rome has demanded he publicly confess in June 2022. According to the French press, he is still bishop of the Fréjus-Toulon diocese for some time to come. In the diocese's 2,000-year history, dating back to the first bishop Saint Maximin, there has never been such a scandal.

Bishop Rey in french newspaper Liberation july 30th 2023

WYD : Two bishops visited in 2023, only one is Catholic. Which one ?

According to the regional daily Var Matin, which was present at the hearing, Mgr Rey declared under oath: "We counted 217 messages to 42 different recipients in which this gentleman questioned the attitude of priests to this separation. Just this morning, I received an e-mail on this subject..."

Source in french : Mgr Dominique Rey, évêque de Fréjus-Toulon, cité comme témoin dans un dossier pénal

Apart from the fact that he brazenly lied to the magistrates about the number of e-mails he allegedly received about "the separation", here is a copy of the last e-mail he refers to, which he claims to have received that very morning :

Beginning of e-mail of Wednesday August 16, 2023 at 23:33:22 UTC+2

Dear friends,
beyond the need to amputate the Church of Fréjus-Toulon of the false pastors who swarm there because of Bishopr Rey's indiscriminate incardinations and ordinations, Mgr Vigano reveals that a cardinal elector of the 2023 conclave has declared that he witnessed facts in 2013 that render Bergoglio's election null and void (thanks to DD of Six Fours).

Pas de complot, mais quelques manœuvres

Archbishop Viganò suggests a cardinal has proof Francis' election was corrupt and his 'pontificate' null - LifeSite

I don't understand how a member of the College of Cardinals can confide in friends that he has witnessed facts that render Jorge Mario's election null and void, and at the same time not want to denounce them publicly so as not to break pontifical secrecy: a secrecy he has already broken by talking about it with those who can do nothing about it, forcing His Eminence into silence before the Church, whose Pastors could perhaps settle the matter. But we're not talking here about the seal of confession, but about things that have reason to be reserved until it's to the detriment of the institution that put them into effect; otherwise we find ourselves like the Pharisees in the Gospel, who asked Our Lord whether it was permissible to pull a donkey out of the well on the Sabbath.

The indiscretions of these cardinals focus on evidence of serious irregularities, without providing further details. This reminds me of what happened in 1958, with the question of the smoke that was first white and then turned black: it seems that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected, but then, due to opposition from the Soviet Communist regime, the Fathers were forced to elect another man as Pope, who, by coincidence, turned out to be the conciliatory Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.

If these confidences are true, I dare not think of the moral work of those who are about to take the secret to the grave, when they would have had the opportunity to unmask the intrigues and plots of the St. Gallen mafia. If they weren't true, it wouldn't make sense to tell even the most trustworthy people (who, however, must have told others, since the news leaked).
The failures of the Deep Church, like those of the Deep State, may be hidden and denied, but they are apparent in all their disastrous consequences. To remove the Deep Church from the ecclesial body - as one amputates an infected limb - one must first and foremost denounce the false pastors, firmly resist their illegitimate orders and coordinate the pastoral care of small communities of "refractors". This probably won't guarantee victory, but our commitment, our sincere desire to serve the Lord and save souls, our witness to the coherence of our Christian lives, may encourage the Lord to this "everything" that only our "nothing" can move.

· Mgr Aguer, archbishop emeritus of La Plata, merciful to his pope, continues his analysis of the "other Church" (Thanks to SS d'Ollioules.
(Warning: automatic translation from Spanish by Chrome browser!)
The "other Church" according to Archbishop Emeritus Hector Aguer of La Plata.

Another Church (II)

In this brief note, what I call the "otherness" of the Church is the resurgence of the Church of old, the one desired by those whom Rome despises as "indietristas", imposing itself on the "Church of propaganda". The "Church of propaganda", which loves the progressive party in power. This other Church is populated mainly by young people; that's why the future awaits it, according to the inscrutable designs of Divine Providence. I appropriate the position represented in the mid-nineteenth century by Soeren Kierkegaard, who criticized the Protestantism of his time in Denmark, distinguishing New Testament Christianity from state-supported and state-financed Christianity.
In various countries, this "other Church" is appearing, where doctrinal orthodoxy and an exact, solemn and beautiful liturgy reign. Preaching, catechism and sacraments are reminiscent of better times, but do not assume the routine of mere repetition. In the true Church thus rediscovered, excellent priests accompany, support and nurture the legions of young people who are the authentic protagonists of the Church's resurrection. This "other" Church is not the concentration of the "devout female sex"; according to a correct version of the "gender perspective", the novelty is the male presence. A recent achievement is the male rosary, which has been verified in more than 40 countries; in Buenos Aires, for the second year running, over 500 men prayed the Rosary on their knees in the Plaza de Mayo, in front of the national government headquarters. They prayed to the Virgin for the country's happiness. The astonishment of tourists and porteños from the neighborhoods, who visited the center, was notorious.

One aspect that deserves special mention is that in these contingents, which indicate the "otherness" of the Church, there is no special attachment to the "Mass of before", and to the exclusive use of Latin. Nor is criticism of the Second Vatican Council imposed. Normality is the rule, in which "otherness" does not appear as something strange and extravagant.
There is no Church without an episcopate. The future of "otherness" simply requires certain bishops to operate in silence, without attracting attention, opening up your dioceses so that the lay faithful who make up these movements emerging in different countries can integrate spontaneously. Discretion is essential, so that the progressive party in power does not activate its means of proscription. A still unresolved problem is where to find the priestly vocations that are emerging. Recent history shows that the imposition of progressivism had its roots in the corruption of the traditional seminary. This phenomenon has been one of the characteristics of the post-conciliar period, even if in many countries it has been verified by the conspiracy of attempts at "aggiornamento", contemporary with Vatican II. It would be natural for young people to have priestly vocations, but where are they going to train? At the time, alternatives to the traditional seminary structure were tried, but failed to produce the expected solution. In fact, we could still resort to this structure, which is not bad in itself, and can be adapted to different situations. The key element is inspiration, the spirit, which depends on how the bishop sees the organization of his diocese. It is the spirit of his own ministry. The bishop must be directly responsible for the seminary, even if he relies on the participation of well-prepared priests who sincerely assume the direction the bishop wishes to implement. the spirit, which depends on the way the bishop conceives the organization of his diocese. This is the spirit of his own ministry. The bishop must be directly responsible for the seminary, even if he relies on the participation of well-prepared priests who sincerely assume the direction the bishop wishes to implement. the spirit, which depends on the way the bishop conceives the organization of his diocese. This is the spirit of his own ministry.
The bishop must be directly responsible for the seminary, even if he relies on the participation of well-prepared priests who sincerely assume the direction the bishop wishes to implement.

Normally, vocations are born in the context of serious youth ministry. A priori, it seems pointless to design a youth ministry project. Instead, it's enough to be attentive to God's work among young people in this "other Church", which is providentially flourishing in different countries and environments. On World Youth Day, the Pontiff made a complete error in his address. Instead of proclaiming Jesus Christ, or at least inviting us to the fullness of the human condition, he spoke of "climate change"; that was his message: to accompany such a circumstance. He had before him some 800,000 young people from all over the world.

To gauge the caliber of Rome's surveillance, we need only recall Christ's mandate to the Apostles: to make disciples of all nations, and to configure themselves as Christian nations. The "little flock" that is the Church is to populate the whole world through the acceptance of faith and Baptism. The "otherness" of the Church is a kind of ferment, from which authentic Christianity can grow, Christianity according to the mirror of the New Testament. The question of "climate change" and "deforestation", among other issues, is currently the priority of the official Church; it's one more chapter in the primacy given to cultural, social and economic problems. Another myth has now emerged: synodal ideology, which aims to integrate the 2030 Agenda for globalization.

Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata.
Buenos Aires, Monday 14th August 2023.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, priest and martyr. -

· Father Biziou, in copy, has just been appointed commissioner of the Fraternité Marie Mère des Apôtres. We must pray for this fraternity that there will be no divorce among their laity and that he will not write forgeries against it. (Thanks to BT)

We, Dominique Rey, by the grace of God and the authority of the Apostolic See, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon ;

Having regard to our letter of appointment of May 26, 2023 (Prot. N. 2023E134) appointing Father David Biziou Commissaire ad tempus for a period of SIX months - with the possibility of extension - of the Missionary Fraternity of Mary Mother of the Apostles;

Considering the accompanying letter of mission (Prot. N. 2023E135);

Considering the Commissioner's first written assessment dated July 17, 2023, which has been provided to us and archived;
Having consulted and taken the advice of informed persons;
We hereby extend the Nomination of Father David Biziou, Commissioner "ad tempus" of the "Fraternité Missionnaire Marie Mère des Apôtres",
until June 30, 2024

As of this day.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary.
Given in three original copies, in Toulon, at the seat of our Bishopric, on July 27, 2023, under our signature and seal, with the countersignature of our Chancellor.

+ Dominique Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon

By mandate, Father Alexis Campo, Chancellor.
As we await the Cossacks and the Holy Spirit in our poor diocese, I wish you to respond well to Bishop Vigano's appeal, and to root out the cancerous tumors in our diocese that are thriving because of bad leaders.
End of e-mail

Where is the slightest hint of any so called « separation » according to Bishop Rey ?

Following the example of his pope, Bishop Rey could say "I can say I'm a bit deceitful (1)": "un po' furbo" (1).
(Interview with Francis on 19/09/2013 for 16 Jesuit magazines)