Wilma Lopez

Schismatic Martyrs: What says the Church? - AKA Catholic

On May 11, Pope Francis, head of the conciliar church, during an audience with Pope Tawadros, head of the Coptic Orthodox church, made an announcement …
Unfortunately there is already a precedence with the Martyrs of Uganda who were canonized in 1964, during the Third Session of the Second Vatican Council. Saint Charles Lwanga and his companions [feast June 3] are honored as the patron saints of Equatorial Africa and include both Catholics & Protestants (Anglicans). It's interesting to note that these youths were murdered not only for odium fideiMore
Unfortunately there is already a precedence with the Martyrs of Uganda who were canonized in 1964, during the Third Session of the Second Vatican Council. Saint Charles Lwanga and his companions [feast June 3] are honored as the patron saints of Equatorial Africa and include both Catholics & Protestants (Anglicans). It's interesting to note that these youths were murdered not only for odium fidei (hatred for the faith) but also because they refused the homosexual advances of King Mwanga.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope Bergoglio never recognized any "protestant" martyrs. Basically because there aren't any.