

The following is written by Mark Mallett, a former television journalist in Canada and award-winning documentarian.

THE Ruini Commission, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to study the apparitions of Medjugorje, has ruled overwhelmingly that the first seven apparitions were “supernatural”, according to the leaked findings reported in Vatican Insider. Pope Francis called the Commission’s report “very, very good.” While expressing his personal skepticism of the idea of daily apparitions (I’ll address this below), he openly praised the conversions and fruits that continue to flow from Medjugorje as being an undeniable work of God—not a “magic wand.” [1] Indeed, I’ve been getting letters from all over the world this week from people telling me about the most dramatic conversions they experienced when they visited Medjugorje, or how it is simply an “oasis of peace.” Just this past week, someone wrote to say that a priest who accompanied her group was instantly healed of alcoholism while there. There are literally thousands upon thousands of stories like this. [2] I continue to defend Medjugorje for this very reason: it is achieving the purposes of Christ’s mission, and in spades. Really, who cares if the apparitions are ever approved so long as these fruits blossom?

The late Bishop Stanley Ott of Baton Rouge, LA asked St. John Paul II:

“Holy Father, what do you think of Medjugorje?” The Holy Father kept eating his soup and responded: “Medjugorje? Medjugorje? Medjugorje? Only good things are happening at Medjugorje. People are praying there. People are going to Confession. People are adoring the Eucharist, and people are turning to God. And, only good things seem to be happening at Medjugorje.” —related by Archbishop Harry J. Flynn,

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. (Matthew 7:18)

After 36 years, that hasn’t changed. But you see, the skeptics say, “Satan can produce good fruit too!” They’re basing this on St. Paul’s admonition:

…such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, who masquerade as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. So it is not strange that his ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. (2 For 11:13-15)

Actually, St. Paul is contradicting their argument. For he also says that you will know a tree by its fruit: “Their end will correspond to their deeds.” The conversions, healings, and vocations we’ve seen from Medjugorje over the past three decades have overwhelmingly shown themselves to be authentic as many of them, too, are bearing the authentic light of Christ wherever they go. And those who know the seers attest to their humility, integrity, devotion and holiness. Satan can work lying “signs and wonders”. But good fruits? No. The worms will eventually come out.

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Just the fact that they say Our Lady has been appearing every day for 36 years proves it's phony. Does Mary need that long to get her message across? Worse than being phony, this is satanic deception.
Who am I to judge... Over a Vatican Commission...
Jesus apparently needs more than 2000 years to get His message across (and still doesn't succeed). What are 36 years? This "satanic deception" has already brought many to God. Medjugorje is the biggest (maybe the only) hope for the Church and for the world.