De Profundis
Considered a "Conservative" in Canada.

Cardinal says women should train priests to fight abuse 'crisis'

Women should play a greater role in the training of priests to fight the child abuse "crisis" that has engulfed the Catholic Church, …
Foxx269, actually, your Eminence...please don’t turn this into another trendy “women’s” issue...this is about virtue, and the lack thereof. If you want to train priests correctly, emphasise the importance that they grow in personal holiness, virtue, so they become good shepherds.
Well I think if you prevent perverts from sexually abusing the seminarians and if you defrock pervert Bishops and their enablers and stop ordaining known perverts it would solve most of the problems. It's not really complicated. The person responsible is Pope Francis.
Pope Francis needs to address the McCarrick issue once and for all. Did he or did he not enable a known abuser. He needs to purge …More
Well I think if you prevent perverts from sexually abusing the seminarians and if you defrock pervert Bishops and their enablers and stop ordaining known perverts it would solve most of the problems. It's not really complicated. The person responsible is Pope Francis.
Pope Francis needs to address the McCarrick issue once and for all. Did he or did he not enable a known abuser. He needs to purge the Church of the perverts and, if he himself is an enabler, he must resign himself to a life of prayer and penance and call a new conclave.

If we were to follow Cardinal Ouellet's suggestion without this purge we would only end up with more perverts and a coven of fag hag enablers to boot - a far greater problem.
Which or whether, the fact of the matter is that priestly formation is a man's business. Normal decent women are not attracted to such a role. The problem is not the lack of women but the lack of proper manliness and holiness. I dare say the Church needs proper holy fathers to guide her sons in virtue and holiness. We are all sick to the teeth of half men who, under the guise of a "respect" for women refuse to embrace their masculine roles. Man up for goodness sake! and Yes we the laity need to embrace holiness and pray for our clergy. We need to support them with fasting and penance too. A lot more work needs to be done by all. So let's get down to it!