
Ultraliberal Cardinal, Francis’ "Paradigm Shift" Is "Rooted in the Council"

What Pope Francis is doing, is rooted in the Second Vatican Council, ultraliberal Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich has claimed.

Talking to The Tablet (February 14), Cupich believes that Francis is mining what the Council stood for, “That’s where the major paradigm shift happened.”

A "Second Vatican Council" that has never existed and is never confronted with the real texts, is often used by ultraliberal circles to promote heresy ("paradigm shift") and to embark on the same paleo-liberal ways that have already led the mainstream Protestants into bankruptcy.

Picture: Blase Cupich, © Dominican University, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsKjkgztnmbq
The Catechism of the Catholic Church: "Anyone who is aware of having committed a mortal sin must not receive Holy Communion, even if he experiences deep contrition, without having first received sacramental absolution..."
Cupich says "you can't be agnostic about Amoris Laetitia". So this is the end of the free conscience.
Its hard to listen this cardinal and others ,what will happen to them ?,what will they say ?,when we have a different style pope ,a pope more in sintony with Gospel and catholic church
Dr Bobus
The documenta of Vat II are not pure. There are some texts that are very good, others not so good. And sometimes they concern the same topic. For example, In the document on liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium there are texts that can ne used to justify everything from the SSPX position to balloons o the altar and celebrants in clown suits.
JRatzinger used to invoke a hermaneutic of continuity, reading …More
The documenta of Vat II are not pure. There are some texts that are very good, others not so good. And sometimes they concern the same topic. For example, In the document on liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium there are texts that can ne used to justify everything from the SSPX position to balloons o the altar and celebrants in clown suits.

JRatzinger used to invoke a hermaneutic of continuity, reading the documents in light of Tradition--an implicit admission that the documents aren't very good.