
Pope-Interviewer, “Francis Did Not Turn Me into A Practicing Catholic”

The French sociologist Dominique Wolton who published a book-interview with Pope Francis in September 2017, revealed to lamontagne.fr (February 23) that he is an agnostic and a “child of 1905”, the year, when an anti-Catholic French government introduced a radical separation between State and Church.

The book-interview was made possible when Wolton sent a proposal to the Vatican and – unlike the Dubia cardinals – quickly received a positive answer. He had twelve long meetings with Francis.

According to the agnostic, Francis has an “extraordinary faith” which shows itself through an “incredible love for humanity.”

The meetings with Francis have however not changed Wolton, “He did not turn me into a practicing Catholic.” But Wolton believes to have understood that Francis is “obsessed” by the will to “dialogue, dialogue, dialogue”.

Picture: Dominique Wolton, © Roberto Tietzmann, CC BY-NC, #newsSllzyohunn
Wolton, lui, a tout compris,
En ne comprenant rien du tout
Puisque lui-même l'avoue
En disant qu'il reste bien lui.
Il a vu papa Bergoglio
Une douzaine de fois :
Il est resté toujours zozo
Tout en admirant le François !