
New Vatican Document, “We Receive Salvation in the Church”

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published on March 1 the conspicuously short document Placuit Deo which addresses a supposed rise of a new Pelagianism and Gnosticism in the Church. The document is written in the style of Joseph Ratzinger.

The document proclaims “Jesus as the only Savior” adding, “The place where we receive the salvation brought by Jesus is the Church”. The problem is however that since Vatican II there has been a tendency to obscure the basic tenets of the Catholic doctrine including the terms "Church" or "salvation".

Hilary White writes on remnantnewspaper.com that the document is interesting inasmuch as it is the first document produced under the responsibility of the new prefect of the Congregation, Archbishop Luis Ladaria who has not been much in the public eye in the last months.

The first thing Ladaria said at the press conference for the document was a repetition of his servile declaration of loyalty toward Francis which he uttered when he was promoted: “I am in a deep and spontaneous harmony with the Pope.” This gives the impression that Ladaria does not have much of a personality.

Católicos Apostólicos
The gnostic errors in the Bergoglian CDF's "Placuit Deo"voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/the-gnostic-err…
Ladaria the Silent Speaks, Accurately Defines “Promethean Neo-Pelagian”
Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, is the Jesuit chosen by Francis to replace the beleaguered Cardinal Muller as prefect of CDF. So far, perhaps the most singular thing we know about him has been his, and under him the …More
The gnostic errors in the Bergoglian CDF's "Placuit Deo"voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/the-gnostic-err…
Ladaria the Silent Speaks, Accurately Defines “Promethean Neo-Pelagian”
Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, is the Jesuit chosen by Francis to replace the beleaguered Cardinal Muller as prefect of CDF. So far, perhaps the most singular thing we know about him has been his, and under him the CDF’s, absolute silence through the entire furor over Amoris Laetitia, an unprecedented mass-apostasy with bishops, national conferences and even cardinals openly declaring that the Church’s teaching on marriage no longer applies, that same-sex partnerings can be somehow “blessed” by the Church and, most recently, that non-Catholics can receive Holy Communionremnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php.
So perfectly has Ladaria’s cloaking device been functioning since his appointment in July last year, no one has really even bothered to ask where he’s been. I suppose we assumed that he understood the irrelevance of his dicastery under the New Paradigm since the abject failure of Gerhard Muller’s efforts – quite voluble in the closing years of Benedict XVI but immediately subdued and diffident after March 2013 – to get the Germans to come back to the Faith, or at least to stop openly declaring themselves schismatic. History will show that one of the most significant changes under Francis has been the irrelevance-ing of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – perhaps reflecting the Bergoglians’ total lack of interest in Catholic doctrine as the term has always been understoodremnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php. remnantnewspaper.com/…/3760-breaking-n…
Absolutely true! "The problem is however that since Vatican II there has been a tendency to obscure the basic tenets of the Catholic doctrine including the terms 'Church' or 'salvation'."