Homosexual Honored by Obama Charged with Sex Crimes

Photo ~ Obama and Laieski PHOENIX, November 20, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An openly homosexual teenager, who was given a position as an “adviser” to Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and honored by President …More
Photo ~ Obama and Laieski
PHOENIX, November 20, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An openly homosexual teenager, who was given a position as an “adviser” to Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and honored by President Barack Obama at a White House “gay pride” dinner, has been indicted on more than a dozen counts of sexual misconduct with a minor under the age of 15.
Caleb Laieski, now 18, was 17 at the time of the alleged abuse. His alleged victim, a close friend he met on TrevorSpace (a social media site for children and young adults aged 13-24 who have an interest in homosexuality), was only 14 at the time. The younger boy said the sex was consensual, but that he felt “pressured” to participate. However, Arizona law says no one younger than 15 is capable of giving consent.
America's blind movement toward equality is destroying the country. They've created laws to encourage and reward those that hire and promote minorities, woman and those that practice same sex relationships. So in a way, the country, that promotes the separation of church and state is creating a country sponsored religion and making it the law of the land but it is not considered a religion, so …More

America's blind movement toward equality is destroying the country. They've created laws to encourage and reward those that hire and promote minorities, woman and those that practice same sex relationships. So in a way, the country, that promotes the separation of church and state is creating a country sponsored religion and making it the law of the land but it is not considered a religion, so separation of church and state does not apply.

It's a shame this county wasn't smart enough to know that the law already provided for equality. Businesses that are in business to MAKE A PROFIT are going to hire the BEST people for that job no matter the gender, race, religion, sexual preference, ... because the best person for the job makes their business more successful. Businesses that don't hire the best person for the job are going to lose more money and in time go out of business because other companies didn't hired the best people.

Makes you wonder how much of America's economic problems are related to company's push to hire minorities, woman, .... to get the approval of the government, win government contracts and get government subsidy for doing so. That process limited the company's ability to hire the best person and thus discriminated against them because they wouldn't improve their minority/woman ratios. That in turn makes the company less productive and less profitable than it could have been and helped counties outside the USA that don't have that objective to be more competitive and productive.

Sometimes you can go overboard and want to much of a good thing and that can destroy you or should I say the country. America is way down that path.

FYI - I was a manager for the IRS and I know from experience if you hire the best person for the job, your job as a manager is a lot easier. When you hire the wrong person you create problems in the workplace and that really kills the organization. Some of my best employees were woman and I would have hired anyone that applied for one of my jobs if they were the best person. However, all things being about equal, I'd hire the person with experience over a person that I had to train even if that person MIGHT be better at the job. Why take that risk if you don't have too? Once you've hired the wrong person, you've got that problem and you're stuck with it. Again all things being about equal, I'll take the person with the most job related education over someone with less job related skills. Hopefully, that training will help them catch on quicker and it shows me that they have an interest in the profession.

All I can say, is: "Good luck America getting out of the whole you dug yourself into".

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

Isn't that just wonderful? They keep filling those government jobs with fairies. Building their own little 'fairlyland'. Disgusting!