
Bishop Vigano : "It is not surprising that Parolin praises one of the most zealous supporters of the Soviet communist dictatorship"

Napolitano is a former president of Italia from 2006 to 2015, dead yesterday.

Bischop Vigano : "It is not surprising that Parolin praises one of the most zealous supporters of the Soviet communist dictatorship: the same tyranny, and the same subjugation, can be found today in the secret agreements between the Vatican and China, where Catholics loyal to the See of Peter are persecuted by the one who should instead defend them and raise his voice for them. In 1956 Napolitano claimed that the Kremlin's tanks defended world peace; today Bergoglio sides with the criminals of NATO and the European Union, with Chinese dictators and with any regime that oppresses Christians and fights Christianity. History will bury these unseemly courtiers and do justice to their hypocritical servility."

Mattarella is the present president of Italia :

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