Christopher John Milner

An Austrian Diocese Hands a Parish Church to "Holy Hydra"

"Holy Hydra" is a project in Linz, Austria. It uses functioning churches to celebrate "club culture". The project started in 2018. It consists mainly of an annual two-day event in a church. The pews …More
"Holy Hydra" is a project in Linz, Austria. It uses functioning churches to celebrate "club culture".
The project started in 2018. It consists mainly of an annual two-day event in a church. The pews are removed and the church is turned upside down. Hopping ("dance"), light installations and electronic music are key elements of the show.
The next event will take place in September in the parish church of Urfahr near Linz.
The organisers specifically want to use a functioning church where the Eucharist is presided over because it has a "much, much higher suspense value", they say in a presentation video: "This is a completely different meta-level than if it were an empty church."
The diocese of Linz is currently being led into the abyss by Bishop Manfred Scheuer.
In Greek mythology, Hydra is an evil, serpentine monster with many heads; in the entertainment industry, a fictional terrorist organisation that operates as a multi-headed enemy.
Picture:, #newsPsdzwxvxsy
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Francis: "I Am Not Feeling Well"

Francis skipped his speech to European Rabbis on Monday morning, explaining in a tired voice that he's was not feeling well. “Good morning, I greet you all and welcome you. Thank you for this visit …More
Francis skipped his speech to European Rabbis on Monday morning, explaining in a tired voice that he's was not feeling well.
“Good morning, I greet you all and welcome you. Thank you for this visit which I appreciate very much but it happens that I am not feeling well and for this reason I prefer not to read the speech but to give it to you.”
However, Francis didn't change his busy schedule. On Monday afternoon he receives seven thousand children from all over the world.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsKdwfgdgrud
Was he meeting with the rabbis in order to convert them? Good joke, right?
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Bishop Vigano : "It is not surprising that Parolin praises one of the most zealous supporters of the Soviet communist dictatorship"

Napolitano is a former president of Italia from 2006 to 2015, dead yesterday. Bischop Vigano : "It is not surprising that Parolin praises one of the most zealous supporters of the Soviet communist …More
Napolitano is a former president of Italia from 2006 to 2015, dead yesterday.
Bischop Vigano : "It is not surprising that Parolin praises one of the most zealous supporters of the Soviet communist dictatorship: the same tyranny, and the same subjugation, can be found today in the secret agreements between the Vatican and China, where Catholics loyal to the See of Peter are persecuted by the one who should instead defend them and raise his voice for them. In 1956 Napolitano claimed that the Kremlin's tanks defended world peace; today Bergoglio sides with the criminals of NATO and the European Union, with Chinese dictators and with any regime that oppresses Christians and fights Christianity. History will bury these unseemly courtiers and do justice to their hypocritical servility."
Mattarella is the present president of Italia :
Mom In A Cat Costume Gives Legendary Speech To School Board
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Diocesan Bishop: UN Works toward World Dictatorship

The UN's Agenda 2030 - called the "Sustainable Development Goals" - is “a trap”, writes Santander Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge, Spain, on (April 15). Behind laudable goals such as …More
The UN's Agenda 2030 - called the "Sustainable Development Goals" - is “a trap”, writes Santander Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge, Spain, on (April 15).
Behind laudable goals such as "protecting nature", "eradicating poverty and hunger", "water for all", the agenda hides an attempt to corrupt civilisation and introduce a world disorder "that will change the beliefs of individuals" and establish "an unelected and undemocratic world government", Sánchez analyses.
The agenda presents the family and religion as "problems" and "elements of conflict", not as solutions. It promotes murderous abortion and encourages the massive use of contraceptives. The intention is to establish a regime "that excludes many institutions, especially those with a Christian foundation.”
All power should be given to the United Nations - which is dominated by the United States - "and everything will be fine,” the agenda claims.
Picture: Manuel Sánchez Monge, #newsDvrwxvgihj
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Francis Continues to Humiliate Gänswein in Public

Francis used an interview with to tell Archbishop Gänswein that he didn't want him – who is still the Prefect of the Prefecture of the Papal Household - in the Vatican. Francis let the …More
Francis used an interview with to tell Archbishop Gänswein that he didn't want him – who is still the Prefect of the Prefecture of the Papal Household - in the Vatican.
Francis let the world know that he ordered Gänswein "to return to Germany" or stay in Italy, outside the Vatican.
Even IlSismografo asks if there are any "very serious reasons" that justify Francis' behaviour in leaving Gänswein hanging in the air at the age of 66.
The portal accuses Francis of turning the affair into a tragicomedy, “Will anyone in the Vatican have understood that this spectacle is ruinous for the Catholic world?” notes that Francis who is famous for being “innovative” can't find a task for Gänswein since he doesn't want him in the Papal Household.
Picture: Georg Gänwein © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsKwgnomsvwj
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
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Invalid "Sacraments" in Rome

The Anglican Vicar David Burrows, rector of Saint Mary's and All Saints in Elland, England, wrote on (April 20), that "I have said Mass publicly as a priest of the Church of England in …More
The Anglican Vicar David Burrows, rector of Saint Mary's and All Saints in Elland, England, wrote on (April 20), that
"I have said Mass publicly as a priest of the Church of England in Churches and at Altars under the direct control of the Bishop of Rome, both within the Vatican and in the City of Rome, each time, each time being given the Tabernacle key."
After careful consideration, Pope Leo XIII came to the conclusion that Anglican ordinations are "utterly null and void."
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Cardinal Burke: German State Bishops Commit "Crimes" [Which Nobody Will Prosecute]

By preaching heresy, denying Catholic doctrine, departing from Christ's teaching, and embracing a form of [homosex] religion, the German Synod is committing "crimes," Cardinal Burke told (March 16). …More
By preaching heresy, denying Catholic doctrine, departing from Christ's teaching, and embracing a form of [homosex] religion, the German Synod is committing "crimes," Cardinal Burke told (March 16).
These crimes are "sins against Christ himself" and "of the most serious nature." Burke believes that canon law provides for sanctions, while, in reality, canon law has become an instrument to promote evil and to persecute good.
Burke suggests that "the agents of the revolution" ignore statements by Francis that are "sometimes" very clear and in line with Church teaching.
It is hard to believe that Burke has not noticed that, by mixing truth and lies, Francis is pursuing a precise strategy to bamboozle the stupid conservatives and to encourage the heretics.
God will prosecute.
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"Not a Place": Francis Again Denies Existence of Hell

Speaking to (March 11), Francis claimed that "hell is not a place." Unwittingly referring to himself, he suggested that people “who create a world of bad or sick self-referentiality" end up …More
Speaking to (March 11), Francis claimed that "hell is not a place." Unwittingly referring to himself, he suggested that people “who create a world of bad or sick self-referentiality" end up "living in hell.”
For Francis, hell is a psychological condition: a "state of the heart, of the soul, of an attitude to life, to values, to family, to everything.”
Repeating his misinterpretation of a column in Vézelay Abbey [didn't anyone dare to tell the tyrant?], Francis wrongly declared that it shows Christ carrying away Judas' body, suggesting that Judas was saved because "salvation is stronger than damnation.” This conclusion is good news for red, brown and green socialists, as well as for abortionists and child molesters.
Catholic doctrine "affirms the existence of hell and its eternity" so that "immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, eternal fire” (CCC 1035).
Christ describes hell …More
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Schneider: Soviet Union Is Back - In The West

Bishop Schneider describes the state of the Novus Ordo as "anarchy" (, March 14). The Novus Ordo is presided over with liturgical abuses, like a Protestant service, in the external form of …More
Bishop Schneider describes the state of the Novus Ordo as "anarchy" (, March 14).
The Novus Ordo is presided over with liturgical abuses, like a Protestant service, in the external form of a "banquet." Thus the Eucharist “diminishes catholicity” whereas the Mass expresses the constancy of use by Catholic generations throughout the world and through the ages.
For Schneider, the most serious spiritual disease afflicting today's Church is the loss of the supernatural and the orientation of man towards himself.
A reform of the Novus Ordo, which is urgently needed, must begin with the return of all, priests and faithful to the Lord, whereas at present “we stand, so to speak, before liturgical ruins.”
In the Western regimes, Schneider increasingly recognises the characteristics of the Soviet Union in which he grew up: brainwashing with ideological slogans by media and politicians who are aligned as if under a central command.
For Schneider, the regime's ideology is “gender”, a …More
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Francis Couldn't Behave Properly - Not Even at Benedict's Funeral (January 5) leaked information on embarrassing moments surrounding Benedict's funeral. Highlights. • Francis' Master of Ceremonies, Father Diego Ravelli, struggled to convince Francis …More (January 5) leaked information on embarrassing moments surrounding Benedict's funeral. Highlights.
• Francis' Master of Ceremonies, Father Diego Ravelli, struggled to convince Francis not to leave St Peter's Square before Benedict’s coffin was carried into the basilica.
• However, Francis categorically refused to be present at the burial in the grottoes of Saint Peter's.
• Originally, Francis wanted the funeral to be “like that of a cardinal, nothing more.”
• While Italy, Spain and Britain put their flags at half-mast after Benedict's death, Francis wanted "no mourning" at the Vatican.
• Francis pushed the information that only two state’s delegations would be present. In reality, many high-ranking personalities attended, but in a personal capacity.
• The Secretariat of State asked them to attend without a gala dress but they didn’t comply because they would also have done so for the funeral of a simple cardinal.
• The Secretary of State told its court reporters to …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wonder how many faithful Catholics would like to watch this happening to Francis pretty soon. I'd guess millions and millions.
Christopher John Milner
If Francis keeps on doing what he's doing and doesn't repent for it, he won't ever have to worry about feeling cold again for all eternity.
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Has Francis Found a New Smurf for the CDF?

Francis is looking for a new Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and his candidate is Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer, 61, Germany, writes (December 13). Wilmer …More
Francis is looking for a new Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and his candidate is Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer, 61, Germany, writes (December 13).
Wilmer is a Sacred Heart Father and former Superior General of his order who was appointed a bishop in April 2018.
In December 2018 he called the German “theologian” Eugen Drewermann, 82, who left the priesthood and the Church “a prophet of our time misrecognised by the Church" and said that "abuse of power is in the DNA of the [Vatican II] Church."
In the Covid context, he called the concept of a punishing God in March 2020 “terrible” and even “completely un-Christian” although it is omnipresent in the Bible.
In April 2020 Wilmer criticised Catholics for being “fixated only on the Eucharist” claiming that their reaction on the Covid ban on the liturgy showed that “the Eucharist is indeed overrated.”
In March 2022, he supported the German euthanasia programme.
Picture: Heiner Wilmer © wikicommons, …More
John A Cassani
@Rand Miller Yes, back when the prefect was the Pope. They also conveniently changed the name of the congregation at the time things went south.
Rand Miller
I think the CDF used to be Catholic, up to Vatican II.
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Beatification of Evil: Nazi-Marxist on His Way To “Beatification”

Julio Loredo has again warned against “beatifying” Olinda and Recife Archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara (+1999). • 1931: At his ordination, Câmara wears the uniform of the notorious Green Shirt militia …More
Julio Loredo has again warned against “beatifying” Olinda and Recife Archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara (+1999).
• 1931: At his ordination, Câmara wears the uniform of the notorious Green Shirt militia under his cassock.
• 1934: Câmara is a member of the Supreme Council of Plinio Salgado's Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB), a pro-national socialist group.
• 1936: Câmara becomes Salgado's personal secretary and then national secretary of the AIB. He takes a leading role in rallies and paramilitary marches similar to the German Nazi marches.
• 1946: Rio de Janeiro Archbishop wants to make Câmara an auxiliary bishop, but the Vatican refuses because of his Nazi past.
• 1947: Câmara becomes general assistant of the Brazilian Catholic Action and begins to moult from Nazi to Marxist.
• Under Câmara, Catholic Action degenerates into a Communist organisation and some members whom Câmara never condemned, become guerrillas.
• 1952: Câmara is appointed auxiliary bishop. • 1968: Câmara calls Paul VI’s …More
porta folio manager
you are a little late for that, sire! he already seized the Power...
Salvatore Bastatti
laurelmarycecilia" it is time for Catholics to leave Bergoglio en masse. The longer Catholics tolerate his filth, the more severe will be their judgment …More
laurelmarycecilia" it is time for Catholics to leave Bergoglio en masse. The longer Catholics tolerate his filth, the more severe will be their judgment at death.
One more comment
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Purge At The Anglo-Catholics: High Profile Convert Must Go

Gavin Ashenden, 72, a former chaplain to the Queen and former Anglican lay bishop who converted to the Church in 2019, has withdrawn “with regret” from the Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate of Our Lady of …More
Gavin Ashenden, 72, a former chaplain to the Queen and former Anglican lay bishop who converted to the Church in 2019, has withdrawn “with regret” from the Anglo-Catholic Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
The reason: The ordinariate told him that “it would not be prudent to permit you to continue your high profile in the media.”
Ashenden is an associate editor of the Catholic Herald which for the Francis' Vatican is "too Catholic." In the past, he contributed to The Times, The Daily Telegraph, the Jersey Evening Post, The Spectator, and Christian Today. He maintains
In a November 27 statement he stated that "the only responsible course of action is to withdraw from the Ordinariate" since he is "causing anxiety or concern to the Ordinariate" which is afraid of "what I might do or say, or even that ‘the way I say something’ would potentially reflect badly on its wider community."
Had Ashenden propagated homosex instead of confessing the Faith, Francis would have received …More