
Converted Anglican Bishop: Rome Is the Best Form of Anglican Reform

Former Anglican Bishop Gavin Ashenden who became a Catholic, accepted Anglicanism only because he saw it as a “prophetic reform” of the Catholic Church.

Later he realised that Anglicanism failed while the Church “has been busy reforming itself,” he told VirtueOnline.org (December 24).

Ashenden mentions the Council of Trent and the Second Vatican Council. Therefore, he couldn’t find unique Anglican insights, “Rome now has the liturgy in the vernacular. It celebrates the Living Word.”

He sees that the Church faces an anti-Christian spirit and culture, progressive utopianism, Catholics corrupted by the spirit of the age, and that the Church’s integrity is seriously threatened.

Nevertheless, he converted “because God has asked me to.” His wife Helen became a Catholic already a few years ago. At the time she told him,

“You have been taking me around to a number of Anglican churches, and my sense is that God is not present. Whenever I go into a Catholic church, I discover He is present. The time has come to stop going to churches where God is not present.”

Picture: Gavin Ashenden, Mark Davies, #newsInlrxidndk

comfort ye
Hey, I once was a guitar-banging radical. I joined the Church. It took 40 years to realize what had happened, so don't give up on this fellow - just pray! He'll catch on if he really seeks the truth.
I just put a like not to lose this, but I find it very distasteful, Thanks for sharing, God bless.
😈 😈 😈 I’m from the streets of Bridgeport Connecticut, and lived among the best con artists in the world. I can’t be fooled, Francis is not a real pope...
If I where at the casino and was to make a bet, I bet the Fatima 3rd secret is about a fake pope that fooled millions....
"CONVERTED" To what? Anglicanism with a catholic touch? to spice it up? this is ludicrous. We do not need Anglican bishops we need CATHOLIC BISHOPS, but real Catholic bishops like Fulton Sheen, Atanasio Schneider, Vigano, etc. Not a diluted version inside our Holy Church.
Who is evangelizing who? Makes me sick. They can go worship pachamama demon for what I can care less for them other than pray …More
"CONVERTED" To what? Anglicanism with a catholic touch? to spice it up? this is ludicrous. We do not need Anglican bishops we need CATHOLIC BISHOPS, but real Catholic bishops like Fulton Sheen, Atanasio Schneider, Vigano, etc. Not a diluted version inside our Holy Church.

Who is evangelizing who? Makes me sick. They can go worship pachamama demon for what I can care less for them other than pray for their entire conversion, but this crisis in the church is getting extremely upsetting and sick.

I'm glad the good lord has confirmed to sister Agnes Sasagawa that he's going to start cleansing the earth and the revelations given to her will be now fulfilled.

I'm so glad this is coming to all of us, and may God have mercy on all.
Ashenden: “Britain is starting to resemble Soviet-era Eastern Europe. Freedom of speech is slowly being eroded” but “where is the Church of England in this crucial culture war? Is it on the front line? Not that I can see. If anything, it has switched sides”
O Maoleoin
From one Protestant sect to another Protestant sect.