
The Apocalypse Could Come After Francis

Francis’ resignation could precede the Apocalypse, Egor Efimchik writes on SputnikNews.com (December 20).

He refers to the Prophecy of the Popes, a list of 112 popes and antipopes in succession.

It was first published in 1595 by the Benedictine monk Arnold Wion in Lignum Vitæ, a book on the history of the Benedictine order.

Arnold attributed it to Saint Malachy, the 12th-century Irish saint and Archbishop of Armragh.

According to this list, Francis is the 112th and last pope who is identified as “Petrus Romanus” (Peter the Roman).

It says about his papacy: “Peter the Roman, who will pastor his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”

Efimchik knows of a “far-fetched theory” that Petrus Romanus has a connection with Saint Francis of Assisi, whose father was named Pietro.

Picture: © Wolfgang Sauber, CC BY-SA, #newsVllkfskyyf

Why don't people check the oldest version of the Prophecy?
When you look, you'll see that there is a clear full-stop after "The Glory of the Olive"
Then, a new line, commencing with a Capital Letter is another Pope called "Under extreme Persecution the Holy Roman Church sits." (or words to that effect. Someone correct me) Then comes another full stop and …More
Why don't people check the oldest version of the Prophecy?


When you look, you'll see that there is a clear full-stop after "The Glory of the Olive"
Then, a new line, commencing with a Capital Letter is another Pope called "Under extreme Persecution the Holy Roman Church sits." (or words to that effect. Someone correct me) Then comes another full stop and THEN comes the final Pope "Peter the Roman"

Peter the Roman is yet to come......
Claudius Cartapus
Card. Pietro Parolin at his actual position (secretary of state) may get the job of pope without conclave. The end of times comes immediately after the death of Benedict XVI (last true pope). S. Francis of Assisi talks about an uncanonical elected pope at the origin of a schism in Church. Petrus Romanus is the 'pope' of the tribulation, during the chaos in Europe. Wikipedia: Pietro Parolin
Claudius Cartapus
Card. Parolin inspire to me a Christmas cartoon of 1966: Mr. Grinch ! He has the same eyes, same mouth... red cap… The song: "You're a Mean One, Mr Grinch" ~ Dr Seuss (1966)
F M Shyanguya
Pope Francis is NOT Petrus Romanus who it appears, follows him and that means Pope Francis is not counted as pope in the prophecy.
Dr Bobus
S.R.E. is not Sancta Romana Ecclesia but the genitive Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae. Thus: In the last persecutiion of the Holy Roman Church . . .
This designates the pope at the last persecution of the Church but not necessarily the pope that follows Gloriia Olivae, not necesarily Bergoglio.
The text does not say the destruction of the city is the effect of the pope's actions but rather of the many …More
S.R.E. is not Sancta Romana Ecclesia but the genitive Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae. Thus: In the last persecutiion of the Holy Roman Church . . .

This designates the pope at the last persecution of the Church but not necessarily the pope that follows Gloriia Olivae, not necesarily Bergoglio.

The text does not say the destruction of the city is the effect of the pope's actions but rather of the many tribulations.
How often do these prophecies have to be debunked before we stop giving them credence and attend to actual Catholic prophecy? Check out the book Tribulation Trial and Triumph by Desmond Birch (www.amazon.com/…/1882972732).
Dr Bobus
I never gave them credence. I merely noted that what was said was inconsistent with what is attributed to Saint Malachy
The end of the papacy in Rome is precisely described in the Prophecy of Saint Malachi (+ 1148), the archbishop of Armagh:
'Gloria Olivae' - Benedict XVI; the glory/finial of the Roman Catholic church are two olive trees [Rev. 11, 4], which will blossom only now at the end of times - the Paraclete and the Woman of the Revelation.
'In persecutione extrema S.R.E. Sedebit' - 'S.R.E [Sancta Romana …More
The end of the papacy in Rome is precisely described in the Prophecy of Saint Malachi (+ 1148), the archbishop of Armagh:

'Gloria Olivae' - Benedict XVI; the glory/finial of the Roman Catholic church are two olive trees [Rev. 11, 4], which will blossom only now at the end of times - the Paraclete and the Woman of the Revelation.

'In persecutione extrema S.R.E. Sedebit' - 'S.R.E [Sancta Romana Ecclesia] is in a period of extreme persecution' - this is the phenomenon of Jorge Bergoglio, the destroyer of the Roman Catholic church (especially of the College of Cardinals, the very top of the Church hierarchy). Bergoglio, aside from the B16's dissolution of the papacy, as an apostate, could not be the vicar of Jesus Christ, and therefore Saint Malachi does not name his name among pontifices but only characterizes the effects of his actions.

'Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur & Iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. Finis'. (“Peter the Roman will feed his flock in the midst of many persecutions, and when it ceases, the city of seven hills will be torn down and a terrible judge will judge his people”.) Saint Peter the Apostle was not a Roman (citizen of Rome). Peter the Roman is a Son of the Roman Catholic church (means a Roman) and is identical to the terrible Judge, the same as the Paraclete. The papacy in Rome was abolished [by the last Pontifex BXVI] definitively and irrevocably. What now? The fulfillment of this request addressed to God the Father for nearly 2,000 years: 'Come Thy Kingdom, thy will be done, as in heaven so also on earth.' The Kingdom of God on the earth, finally!
Thors Catholic Hammer
Since Pope Benedict xvi never reisigned the papal office in line with canon law requirements there is no such legally valid entity as “pope Francis”.
What the world is witnessing and following is a stage show managed by excommunicated formal heretics who control the Vatican City state.
Yes, the prophecy seems to list out the valid Popes only. A separate sentence between 111 "Gloria Olivae" and 112 "Petrus Romanus" which no clue of the name(s), is the period we are in now. The period of extreme persecution of the seat of Holy Roman Church.
Please note that no indication for how long this period will last and how many invalid Popes are in this period.