
Why the SSPX Has No Time for +Vigano

Looking at what Abp Lefebvre said to Cdl Ratzinger in 1987, do you think there is any chance that he could speak the same tone to Bergoglio? I very much doubt it. My guess is he is rather disappointed to the current SSPX position.

Is +Vigano Schismatic?

Wow... first thing first... he should prove he is legit first, then can accuse schism.

Catholic Church Distances Self From Pope Francis

This is satire, the reality is much worse, nobody say anything.

The Prophecy of Stigmatist Antonio Ruffini † (1907-1999) "Who Will Do The Consecration of Russia?"

I have doubt on the released third secret in 2000. Do we even have proof that it is part of the third secret, or somebody just made it up? If no, we should stop referring to it.

Viganò on Twitter

As far as the laity concern, everything was honky dory with the Church at that time, remember? Maybe there are some sex abuse scandal here and there, but nothing serious, right? Wrong!

Is He Afraid? "I Like To Think That Hell Is Empty"

How a heretic can claim to be the supreme pastor of the Catholic Church? How are we supposed to accept this?

Pope Defends Same-Sex Blessings, Claims He’s Misunderstood

Don't be too happy, the article never say he misunderstood, he says they misunderstood.

Schönborn: Homosexuals Have Right to Be Accepted

I think gay person is disorder and need healing. The tendency is disorder but not a sin. Sexual act is for pro creation only, the pleasure and the communion is for the purpose of raising children in the proper order. It is my opinion, could be wrong though.

Full Text: Five Cardinals Send New Dubia to Francis - July and August version

I am grateful for this Dubia, and hope that this is a canonical steps to catch him red handed, and use the evidence to depose him. Remember our Lord say "And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican."

Schneider: Heretical Pope Doesn’t Lose Office

Basically, the Bishop says:
1. If a king is delivering his subjects to the enemy to be devoured, since there is no constitution exist that the subjects allowed to revolt, it is unjust for the subjects to revolt.
2. An apostate Catholic has the authority to lead and teach the Catholic
3. Invalid election is healed by the acceptance of overwhelming majority even the majority was deceived. If the …More
Basically, the Bishop says:
1. If a king is delivering his subjects to the enemy to be devoured, since there is no constitution exist that the subjects allowed to revolt, it is unjust for the subjects to revolt.

2. An apostate Catholic has the authority to lead and teach the Catholic

3. Invalid election is healed by the acceptance of overwhelming majority even the majority was deceived. If the majority realized and start to reject him, it is unjust?

We Catholic expected to uphold justice with courage when we see injustice around us, but we are not even allowed to fight for the injustice done to us?

Sorry, frankly these do not make a lot of sense to me.

Bishop Schneider: Catholics ‘cannot obey’ if the Synod on Synodality issues false teachings - LifeSite

If the synod issue false teaching, it is the opportunity for the faithful Cardinals and Bishops to depose him and have a conclave to elect new Pope. I hope they use this opportunity.

Schneider To Strickland, !Future Popes Will Thank You!

We need people like him to be a Pope, have courage to defend the Faith.

Papa Francesco di ritorno dalla Mongolia: i prossimi viaggi? se non li farò io di sicuro andrà Giovanni XXIV

Don't worry, he was talking about his counter church. None of those after him and himself is in the St Malachy's. Last one is BXVI, tribulation (now), Peter the Roman

Homosexualist Bergoglio Defends Homosex Regime

If it offends God, it is a crime. God is our lawgiver.

Francis: "God Does Not Reject Homosexuals"

1706 By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him "to do what is good and avoid what is evil." Everyone is obliged to follow this law, which makes itself heard in conscience and is fulfilled in the love of God and of neighbor. Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person.
Those who promotes evil do not have dignity and unworthy of respect.More
1706 By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him "to do what is good and avoid what is evil." Everyone is obliged to follow this law, which makes itself heard in conscience and is fulfilled in the love of God and of neighbor. Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person.

Those who promotes evil do not have dignity and unworthy of respect.

Müller Sides With Pell: Synod’s Document "Not Catholic"

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities.

+Cardinal Pell: "I Strongly Believe He Was Murdered"

If true, the remaining Catholic Cardinals especially the loud better stay away from Rome, for the good of the Church.

Last Humiliation: Requiem Without Roman Canon

It is a revenge for not giving up his munus