
Schneider To Strickland, !Future Popes Will Thank You!

Bishop Schneider sent a letter of support to Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland on August 2, acknowledging his “intrepid dedication to uncompromisingly keep, transmit, and defend the Catholic faith.” He …More
Bishop Schneider sent a letter of support to Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland on August 2, acknowledging his “intrepid dedication to uncompromisingly keep, transmit, and defend the Catholic faith.”
He applies to Strickland a quote from St Basil (+379), who wrote to Pope Damasus asking for help because "the one charge that is now sure to secure severe punishment is the careful keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.”
Basil added that “the more a man blasphemes, the fitter the people think him to be a bishop” and that “clerical dignity is a thing of the past.” Schneider says that we live in similar times.
While Basil could turn to Pope Damasus for help, Strickland doesn't have that option, Schneider analyses, “On the contrary, the Holy See put you now under scrutiny and threatens you with intimidations and deprivation of the episcopal care of your flock in Tyler, basically only for the one reason, that you, like St. Basil, St. Athanasius, and many other confessor-bishops in history, are …More
We need people like him to be a Pope, have courage to defend the Faith.
Yes, because there wase a pope.
Opera 369
Hypocrisy at the highest "ecclesiastical" level. Bishop Schneider where DO YOU STAND? You can't stay in the "middle" comfortable in your 'high chair'. Why don't you, Bishop Schneider, clearly state if you are on aka Francis ' side or the side of the Catholic Church? You cannot continue to play with people's emotions. It's your opportunistic 'lukewarmness' that merit no 'respect'. Bishop Strickland …More
Hypocrisy at the highest "ecclesiastical" level. Bishop Schneider where DO YOU STAND? You can't stay in the "middle" comfortable in your 'high chair'. Why don't you, Bishop Schneider, clearly state if you are on aka Francis ' side or the side of the Catholic Church? You cannot continue to play with people's emotions. It's your opportunistic 'lukewarmness' that merit no 'respect'. Bishop Strickland, at least, defined his stand. You Bishop Schneider, have not yet. Which means that you are NOT on the side of the Church, or worse, you want to 'watch the spectacle' see what happens and then get on the winners' chariot. If you have any dignity, speak up and stand, like Strickland; and please, please, don't give us the old 'refrain': "we must be obedient". You know that is NONSENSE. Otherwise, why would you send such a message to Bishop Strickland! Correct? You, Burke, Vigano' ...all you do is manipulate the Faith of the confused flock of the Lord. Go do some Penance yourselves, you all need to! We can no longer listen to your hypocritical words of convenience.
You falsely judge the good Bishop, @Opera 369 and accuse him unrighteously. What you wrongly claim in your comment is NOT TRUE and is clearly vomited out from you by the Father of Lies himself. Bishop Schneider has often and consistently defended the Faith and condemned the errors of those who would pervert the Gospel of Christ and compromise the Doctrine and Magisterium of Holy Mother Church. As …More
You falsely judge the good Bishop, @Opera 369 and accuse him unrighteously. What you wrongly claim in your comment is NOT TRUE and is clearly vomited out from you by the Father of Lies himself. Bishop Schneider has often and consistently defended the Faith and condemned the errors of those who would pervert the Gospel of Christ and compromise the Doctrine and Magisterium of Holy Mother Church. As a holy Priest and a faithful Shepherd with unimpeachable character and an exemplary devotion of the highest order, he is one of the very few unambiguous voices in the Church who speaks boldly and in truth. You do the work of the devil in attacking him so. He is unworthy of the insidiously denigrating manner in which you address him, and the dog-rabid madness by which you seek to slur and sully his integrity and his commitment and fidelity to the Deposit of Faith. Your sin of calumny and deceptive, evil words promote and advances the corrosive and poisonous divisiveness which afflicts Tradition and those who adhere to it. What would you have him do or say, than that which he constantly says and does in the defense of the Faith? He has even openly and publicly confronted Pope Francis during an Ad Limina visit with questions and concerns regarding the so-called “diversity of religions” statement in the Ecumenical Declaration that the Holy Father had signed. And without hesitation or vacillation he has staunchly and courageously opposed and spoken out firmly against the heretical drivel emanating from the Holy See and from the foul, tainted mouths of Satan’s minions who love abomination and ceaselessly promote and implement hell’s agenda throughout the world. You surely offend and insult the Blessed Mother with your unjust castigation of her priestly son.
Repent of your foolishness.
Opera 369
@SonoftheChurch with respect, but you are a 'son of emotions' ala woke mentality of modernism, embraced well by Bergoglio a/k/a Francis. In the letter, Schneider is making Jorge seem like an 'impotent, poor victim' of these so called high prelates in the Vatican. Really? We would have to believe that aka Francis is being 'ill advised' and 'forced' to do all the wrong (to Bishop Strickland) that …More
@SonoftheChurch with respect, but you are a 'son of emotions' ala woke mentality of modernism, embraced well by Bergoglio a/k/a Francis. In the letter, Schneider is making Jorge seem like an 'impotent, poor victim' of these so called high prelates in the Vatican. Really? We would have to believe that aka Francis is being 'ill advised' and 'forced' to do all the wrong (to Bishop Strickland) that he's being doing in the last 10 years, because there are these so-called high powered ecclesiastics in the Vatican that 'make him do it'? Bishop Schneider is truly in denial, or accomplice or really a fearful man, that ...no wonder the "Spouse of Christ" is in such subverting ... of the anti-Church! Go do some research and use "Logos" not 'emotion'... and then you will see the drama better.
@Opera 369 Regardless of what you think about Pope Francis or your opinion about his papacy, or even about the legitimacy of his papacy, you still sin enormously by your appalling and scandalous attack on Bishop Schneider. Nothing you say grants you leave to shamefully disparage a holy Priest such as Bishop Schneider, who is one of the few authentic Shepherds left among the Faithful willing to …More
@Opera 369 Regardless of what you think about Pope Francis or your opinion about his papacy, or even about the legitimacy of his papacy, you still sin enormously by your appalling and scandalous attack on Bishop Schneider. Nothing you say grants you leave to shamefully disparage a holy Priest such as Bishop Schneider, who is one of the few authentic Shepherds left among the Faithful willing to fearlessly battle the forces of darkness in our time; a devout Priest and Bishop, who may, one day, even be raised to the Altars as was the great Saint and Doctor of the Church whose name he bears, and for the same saintly attributes. Your sentiments about the Supreme Pontiff do NOT in any way justify your baseless lies and false accusations about the Bishop’s commitment to the truth and his steadfast, uncompromising, unambiguous defense of the Faith. It matters not if you believe that the Holy Father isn’t the actual Pope and that the Seat and See of Peter is vacant, that does not absolve you of the monstrosity of your evil assault upon the Bishop’s character and integrity. Your personal beliefs about the Holy Father are irrelevant as it regards Bishop Schneider’s deeply devoted spiritual life and exemplary leadership. The expression of such sentiments from you as an attempted vindication for your denigration of the Bishop only reveal the extent of your own apostasy and your own embrace of heresy as a sedevacantist who has drank copiously and deeply from the vile, poisonous cup of your spiritual forerunner, the heretic Luther, and all others like him who dare to mock Heaven in your blinded belief that the legitimately elected Successor of Saint Peter and Vicar of Christ is not the Rock upon which Our Lord built His Church. You show and manifest yourself to be an enemy of Christ and of the Blessed Mother when you forsake the true Church and the true Faith and cast yourself into the eternal, bitter, death-filled exile of sedevacantism. Be that as it may, in charity I will remember you in my prayers, that the mercies of God will heal you of the malaise that afflicts you and remove the putrid canker of rebellion from your heart and return you in repentance to the bosom of Our Mother, where you will find nurture, solace and sustenance for your sick soul. Until then, you’d be much better served not to risk the fierce anger of the Lord and the Blessed Virgin in your untoward and unmerited attack upon their faithful servant and priestly son. For the sake of your immortal soul….cease your insanity.
Credo .
@SonoftheChurch. I disagree with Opera 369, but she is entitled to her opinion as we all are.
Opera 369
@SonoftheChurch "Fanaticism" and "blind obedience" NEVER helped the Church!
@Credo . Yes, we all may be entitled to our various “opinions” about a great many things. But we are NOT “entitled” to senselessly and without merit attack and denigrate others in such a degrading manner as @Opera 369 has done in this forum to Bishop Schneider. No one is “entitled” to speak so demeaningly of a holy and devout Priest of the Lord. Particularly when it is done with the express …More
@Credo . Yes, we all may be entitled to our various “opinions” about a great many things. But we are NOT “entitled” to senselessly and without merit attack and denigrate others in such a degrading manner as @Opera 369 has done in this forum to Bishop Schneider. No one is “entitled” to speak so demeaningly of a holy and devout Priest of the Lord. Particularly when it is done with the express purpose of sullying and soiling his integrity and character publicly and without cause, presenting lies and practicing the vilest of calumny. It is a sin to commit such transgressions against a faithful servant of Christ. And it is an unspeakable insult and offense against the Blessed Mother herself to rage and rant deceptively about one of her priestly sons, who is numbered among the precious few authentic Shepherds yet remaining in this age endowed with bold, fearless courage. In spite of the great and grave risk to both his person and his priesthood, Bishop Schneider remains a strong, relentless, uncompromising voice among the hierarchy of Holy Mother Church. And like a true successor to the Apostles, he has stood resolutely and unhesitatingly in the adamant defense of the Faith, and against ALL who would pervert the Church’s Doctrine and Magisterium with their filth and abominations. He, along with a tiny coterie of other Prelates and Priests around the globe, has been the only advocate for Tradition in the ranks of the Church’s universal leadership entirely committed to the propagation of the TRUTH and the fullness of the Gospel as holy Guardians of the Deposit of Faith. And thus, he does not deserve the utter disdain and disrespect so crudely displayed in the commenter’s scathing and scandalous post above. There is simply NO excuse nor justification that absolves such castigation, and I am in the right to rebuke and reprove her for it. Especially since her debased words reek foully of sedevacantism.
Opera 369
Dear Mr. SonooftheChurch: don't be too 'alarmed' and sanctimonious. I have met Bishop Schneider in different occasions, at different venues. I've already expressed my views to him.... So, to repeat your own expression: 'cease your insanity'!
Credo .
Check out the most recent video of Michael Matts Underground titled "Where is Peter. 😍 Good one Michael, excellent critique on whether the See of Peter is vacant or not!