
+Cardinal Pell: "I Strongly Believe He Was Murdered"

“I strongly believe that he was murdered” – an insider told Gloria.tv about the death of Cardinal George Pell. Pell died on the same day as the surgery. Apparently, he was talking AFTER surgery to …More
“I strongly believe that he was murdered” – an insider told Gloria.tv about the death of Cardinal George Pell.
Pell died on the same day as the surgery. Apparently, he was talking AFTER surgery to the anaesthetist before he suffered a cardiac arrest.
The operations was elective (pre planned), “So, he would have had a thorough risk assessment and was considered fit for surgery.”
An 81-year-old man will have ten more years maximum on his legs. So why have a hip replacement now? – the insider asks, “He also had high blood pressure and diabetes but was otherwise in good shape.”
For the insider “something is very odd about it all” because “often postoperative complications occur a few days on – such as sepsis or a blood clot” while “perioperative [= before/during/after an operation] complications often occur during surgery or due to anaesthetic.”
It is “rare to have someone die after the operation on the same day after he recovered from the anaesthetic.”
The insider’s conclusion, “We’d never …More
If true, the remaining Catholic Cardinals especially the loud better stay away from Rome, for the good of the Church.
Mary K Jones
I know many Catholics are suspecting foul play. I am a Trad and I rather liked Cardinal Pell. But I am also a registered nurse, and it is not unusual at all for a person to experience a blood clot after hip surgery (and also knee surgery). They are large joints. The blood vessels are small so it doesn't take a large clot to block an artery in the body. That is why even younger people receive blood …More
I know many Catholics are suspecting foul play. I am a Trad and I rather liked Cardinal Pell. But I am also a registered nurse, and it is not unusual at all for a person to experience a blood clot after hip surgery (and also knee surgery). They are large joints. The blood vessels are small so it doesn't take a large clot to block an artery in the body. That is why even younger people receive blood-thinning medicine and compression stockings after joint surgery. Add the complications of high blood pressure and diabetes...had he been my relative I would have suggested that he try to get around without surgery, as I did with my father. (A friend had recently died of a blood clot after hip surgery.) Then there is the possibility of the vax, one or more. It's not a good combination. I am praying that he will rest in peace and speedily join the forces of us who are left here, fighting for the Church.
Tony M
Got that Mary. Thanks. But given Vatican dynamics since Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio came to the Chair of Peter, we have to look at all possibilities, and maybe do a little probability Math on this matter....From the 'Sydney Morning Herald'Hip replacement a safe procedure and deaths extremely rare.... "Just 0.06 per cent of patients – six in 10,000 – died within 30 days of a hip replacement …More
Got that Mary. Thanks. But given Vatican dynamics since Benedict resigned & Jorge Bergoglio came to the Chair of Peter, we have to look at all possibilities, and maybe do a little probability Math on this matter....From the 'Sydney Morning Herald'Hip replacement a safe procedure and deaths extremely rare.... "Just 0.06 per cent of patients – six in 10,000 – died within 30 days of a hip replacement surgery in 2017, according to a study published in the ANZ Journal of Surgery. Globally the rate is about 0.3 per cent, a 2014 review published in Bone and Joint Health found."
So based on the global rates there is a roughly 99.7% probability Cardinal Pell did not die from the operation!!!!!! That 99.7% figure would be higher for people dying on the actual day of the operation as Cardinal Pell did. With Cardinal Pell's other health issues that 99.7% maybe a bit lower...but not much given he died same day.
So the Probability Math says that he most....most....most probably died of something else!!!
Tony M
My mathematical reasoning not fully complete.... there a number of factors I did not take into account. For the better perspective simply read the Sydney Morning Herald article.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Cardinal Pell was assasinated/murdered/killed....Mafia style. It was a hit job, carried out by orders of the top man, and acted out by his No.2, and the "Relator" of the Synod. I read Cardinal Pell's courageous extremely negative report on the working paper for Francis' "Synod". He spoke 100% the truth, condemning its thesis and objectives. It is New World Order garbage, pro-WOKE, pro-LGBTQ and anti …More
Cardinal Pell was assasinated/murdered/killed....Mafia style. It was a hit job, carried out by orders of the top man, and acted out by his No.2, and the "Relator" of the Synod. I read Cardinal Pell's courageous extremely negative report on the working paper for Francis' "Synod". He spoke 100% the truth, condemning its thesis and objectives. It is New World Order garbage, pro-WOKE, pro-LGBTQ and anti-Catholic. Cardinal Pell was courageous and honest enough to call them out. And he paid with his life. 😭 😭 😭 😱
Hound of Heaven
Although I have my grave suspicions in this matter, anonymous 'insiders' are about as credible as people like Bill Gates are on all things pandemic. I understand the repercussions of making oneself known but with an accusation as severe as this, one must either give credence to the veracity of your speculations by revealing how 'inside' you actually are, or remain silent.
porta folio manager
Wrong thinking... if not for many of the (anon) insiders, we could not know what the heck is going on inside a lot of issues (not just 'church')... Yeah... could be 'disinformation' ? yeah, but, "BY THE FRUITS..." was orderer to KNOW...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I very much suspect that Francis' Vatican homo thugs are behind it. A quick assassination of Cardinal Pell...made to look natural.
porta folio manager
as in Ratzinger, and Luciani... and how many?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Ratzinger yes, Luciani, no. He had had several heart attacks over the years, and the one massive one that night killed him.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori just happened to be 33 days in...which is a powerful number in freemasonry. Luciani was murdered. read In God's Name by David Yallop.
RIP. But... vaccinated?
I doubt it, sure they said you have to and bla bla bla, but believe me there is quite a few who refused to take that poison tainted with the blood of the most innocent.
Tony M
@Marcos Tanin Torai I think the issue is potentially more "finishing off" some "annoying" Cardinals who may have had a similar Pope Benedict like"restraining effect" on their immediate Church destroying agenda...... than being done for the purpose of setting things up for the next conclave. With Benedict gone it is now full steam ahead for Jorge with that agenda.....and they want as few as possible …More
@Marcos Tanin Torai I think the issue is potentially more "finishing off" some "annoying" Cardinals who may have had a similar Pope Benedict like"restraining effect" on their immediate Church destroying agenda...... than being done for the purpose of setting things up for the next conclave. With Benedict gone it is now full steam ahead for Jorge with that agenda.....and they want as few as possible blocking their way.
RIP Good & Faithful Servant Cardinal George Pell.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Archbishop Ganswein's book "Nothing But The Truth" promises to blow the papacy of Pope Francis away. That's why Francis "summoned" Ganswein to his office yesterday, and when he left, Ganswein told friends he was told to "shut up". THAT is a sign that Francis and his homo squad in the Vatican are terrified. If they had nothing to fear, nothing would have been said. Some loser priest up near Turin …More
Archbishop Ganswein's book "Nothing But The Truth" promises to blow the papacy of Pope Francis away. That's why Francis "summoned" Ganswein to his office yesterday, and when he left, Ganswein told friends he was told to "shut up". THAT is a sign that Francis and his homo squad in the Vatican are terrified. If they had nothing to fear, nothing would have been said. Some loser priest up near Turin wrote a letter to his Bishop, pleading with him to stop the publication of the book.......as if any of these homo Pope Francis appointed Catholic bishops can control what a secular publishing house publishes or not.
I think the radical liberal Francis clique of homo priests and Cardinals and bishops are trembling in fear, because Francis won't be around for very much longer at all, so they short time to do their work.
Look for Francis and his gay Cardinals and bishops to start disiplining faithful priests a la Fr. Frank Pavone, and even trying to eliminate faithful Cardinals before the coming conclave.
The Cardinal Prefect in charge of St. Peter's Basilica should be sacked, stripped of the Cardinal's hat, and sent backing to some slum to work by the next Pope.
Darrell J Roman
Archbishop Ganswein better watch who is behind him, in front of him, and at the sides of him. He is playing with Satan and his minions. They want to hush people up who know too much of their games! God bless and keep him safe!
Vitam Aeternam
He probably had the clot shot. They wouldn't have given him elective surgery without it.
Tony M
And of course Jorgy boy has been telling us all to get the clot shot!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think if Pope Francis knew how much he is hated by so many, he'd be afraid to step outside. He should be more afraid now, after the death of the great Pope Benedict and the unexpected death of Cardinal Pell. I wish some liberal cardinal electors would kick off unexpectedly too...and of course, Bergoglio.
Your comment regarding the butcher hospitals was probably true when they were pushing the devils clot shot last year, but not now, i do not believe Pell took the devils poison, we would be quite surprised at how many refused to be part of that demonic jab.
Vitam Aeternam
They are still pushing it. Especially in Australia. I never heard Cd. Pell speak out against the clot shot. Correct me if im wrong, maybe he did. But in this day and age, silence is consent. I would rather find out he was martyred than find out he was jabbed.
It's true that Cardinal Pell contended with the press, continued allegations, past threats, several serious health issues and the danger of a diagnosed second new heart condition, combined with anesthetic were considered by Cardinal Pell. He also contended with medical and non medical opinions. The Covid shots had nothing to do with his reported death, as he received those around his prison time. …More
It's true that Cardinal Pell contended with the press, continued allegations, past threats, several serious health issues and the danger of a diagnosed second new heart condition, combined with anesthetic were considered by Cardinal Pell. He also contended with medical and non medical opinions. The Covid shots had nothing to do with his reported death, as he received those around his prison time. The speculations are not helpful and should stop.
J G Tasan
And I do feel the same! It's truly tragic and sad. 🥺
The insider is right, foul play!
Fernanda Dellucci
How can we know?
porta folio manager
yeah! the moon could be made of chess... how we could know without proffs?
Louis IX
The demonic filth are out in full force calumniating Cardinal Pell in comments on social media. Be careful of going there to read tributes to him. RIP Your Eminence.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
English Catholic
This sounds implausible to me. Had Cardinal Pell been covid-vaccinated? That would be a more likely scenario. I should also think the trauma of his trial and wrongful imprisonment would have put strain on his heart. Another case happened recently in the UK, when actress Ruth Madoc, aged 79, went into hospital for surgery after a fall. She went on social media to tell her fans not to worry as she …More
This sounds implausible to me. Had Cardinal Pell been covid-vaccinated? That would be a more likely scenario. I should also think the trauma of his trial and wrongful imprisonment would have put strain on his heart. Another case happened recently in the UK, when actress Ruth Madoc, aged 79, went into hospital for surgery after a fall. She went on social media to tell her fans not to worry as she was on the mend. And then she died in hospital. To the best of my knowledge, no actual cause of death was released in her case. It's happening quite frequently now. People go into hospital and don't come out. A close relative of mine, who is unfortunately covid-vaccinated, had heart failure and was rushed to hospital. I have Power of Attorney for her and all the hospital staff seemed interested in, was getting me to sign a 'Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation' order in the event of a heart attack, which I refused to do. I made it quite clear to the hospital staff that I would be watching the situation very closely. Fortunately, she recovered and is still alive and well, albeit on medication for her heart. Anyway, however his death came about, may Cardinal Pell rest in peace.
Tony M
There is somewhat of a pattern happening here....Orthodox Catholic Cardinals who we know have a history of upholding Authentic Catholic Teaching....dying suddenly & unexpectedly.
Remember the 2 Dubia Cardinals.... Those Cardinals both died suddenly & unexpectedly within exactly 2 months of each other in 2017….first Cardinal Meisner…..then Cardinal Caffarra.
5th July 2017 Cardinal Meisner
There is somewhat of a pattern happening here....Orthodox Catholic Cardinals who we know have a history of upholding Authentic Catholic Teaching....dying suddenly & unexpectedly.
Remember the 2 Dubia Cardinals.... Those Cardinals both died suddenly & unexpectedly within exactly 2 months of each other in 2017….first Cardinal Meisner…..then Cardinal Caffarra.

5th July 2017 Cardinal Meisner
Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne, Germany, is seen in this 2005 file photo. The 83-year-old cardinal died unexpectedly in his sleep July 5 while on vacation in southern Germany.
Cardinal Joachim Meisner Dies at 83
Cardinal Joachim Meisner, the archbishop emeritus of Cologne who was a strong defender of the Church’s doctrine and orthodoxy, has died at the age of 83.
The German cardinal died “peacefully” after falling asleep while on vacation in Bad Füssing, Cologne’s Domradio reported on Wednesday, citing the archdiocese
…..………….In a telegram to Cardinal Woelki, Pope Francis said “with profound emotion I learned that, suddenly and unexpectedly, Cardinal Joachim Meisner was called from this earth by the God of mercy.”

the God of mercy.”
2 Months later 6th September 2017
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra Dies at 79
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, the archbishop emeritus of Bologna and one of the original four cardinals to sign the dubia sent to Pope Francis, has died suddenly at the age of 79.
Second Dubia Cardinal Has Died
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra - one of the Dubia cardinals - has died this morning unexpectedly although he has been sick for a long time.
Tony M
And also this story from Gloria TV
Why Did Vatican Prosecution Publish Becciu's "Francis Wanted Me Dead" Statement?
Why Did Vatican Prosecution Publish Becciu's "Francis Wanted Me Dead" Statement?
"...10 years on his legs..." comment must come from an unwise 40-something. 10 years of hip pain, if it can be corrected is a long time. And this 'wise' commentator also said Cardinal Pell was in good shape otherwise which is an additional reason to have hip replacement. And ! how does this commentator know the Cardinal has 'only' or 'even' 10 years to live.
Wilma Lopez
A funeral Mass for Cardinal George Pell will be offered in Rome, and he will be buried in St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney
Sally Dorman
More sad news this evening for our Church! Just tragic!
Fernanda Dellucci
Please remember in your prayers today George Cardinal Pell, who has died in Rome following a medical procedure. Requiescat in pace.