
Francis: "I Am Not Feeling Well"

Francis skipped his speech to European Rabbis on Monday morning, explaining in a tired voice that he's was not feeling well.

“Good morning, I greet you all and welcome you. Thank you for this visit which I appreciate very much but it happens that I am not feeling well and for this reason I prefer not to read the speech but to give it to you.”

However, Francis didn't change his busy schedule. On Monday afternoon he receives seven thousand children from all over the world.

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsKdwfgdgrud
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I was only 10 when JPII died, but I don't remember him ever complaining in public of not feeling well.
Francis on the other hand, blasts it for sympathy. Everyone's supposed to say "Pope Francis don't feel good! Awwwwwwwww!!!"🤒🤒🤪🥱
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are totally right!!! Kenjiro....Holy Father Pope John Paul II had so many sicks...his close to last time his Papacy....but he dose not saying to Public.....Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI is same too....but Bergoglio?? so funny situation....I think Bergoglio's health is not bad...it's make me much huge sorrow....I told you always....I am not sure..we will get Orthodox Pope …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are totally right!!! Kenjiro....Holy Father Pope John Paul II had so many sicks...his close to last time his Papacy....but he dose not saying to Public.....Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI is same too....but Bergoglio?? so funny situation....I think Bergoglio's health is not bad...it's make me much huge sorrow....I told you always....I am not sure..we will get Orthodox Pope Fast time..I think Bergoglio want staying longer to Papacy...his health is not bad....these days...just much pray to the Lord...please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time... I really hope my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)...but I heard..Beroglio visit to wrong Climate meeting on December 1...until December 3.....ah...it's means this horrible man's health is not bad....make me huge sorrow....these days...much sad....Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals....if this Synod will allow to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion...woman to ordinate....all Cardinals, Bishops are must saying..Bergoglio's resign....I think now it is a Time!!!! and step down to Papacy.....we don't need to this horrible Globalist Old man.....we must saying...step down!! crazy Old Man!!!! we can't wait to see this crazy Old Man any more...and I think Bergoglio preparing change to Conclave rule....Vatican Media not strongly deny to this rumor...this means..Bergoglio thinking about it....so horrible...we can't see the this future..now we must shouting!!!! have huge sound....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung _Hi Clement--I'm on my lunch hour from teaching class, so I have to type fast! I agree with you about Bergoglio. But I do think he is sick this time. He's lasted too long. I think we might have a good change to get an orthodox and Catholic pope in the soon to come conclave......but if Francis manages to changes the rules for conclave, like I read he might plan, they whatever …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung _Hi Clement--I'm on my lunch hour from teaching class, so I have to type fast! I agree with you about Bergoglio. But I do think he is sick this time. He's lasted too long. I think we might have a good change to get an orthodox and Catholic pope in the soon to come conclave......but if Francis manages to changes the rules for conclave, like I read he might plan, they whatever pope will come form that will be totally illegitimate because the process will be rigged to favor a Francis II type pope. I think the Catholic Church for all purposes will have ceased to exist if that happens.....except where orthodox and traditional Catholic conitnue to main tradition and the True Latin Mass. Even if they decide to elect their own traditional Pope. He would be the true Pope........not someone chosen from the new method developed and rigged by Bergoglio and his homo crew of advisors.
Christopher John Milner shares this
Was he meeting with the rabbis in order to convert them? Good joke, right?
Good. All lies from Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik-Tucho. He has nothing to say/mumble to anyone, far less learned rabbis. 🙁
Opera 369
Once again, playing the same bergoglian game: when the 'ratings' go down...he "feels not well".
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
More "boo, hoo I don't feel good" crap from Francis. He's probably faking. But maybe there will be an unexpected trip to one of his favorite resorts, Polyclinico Agostino Gemelli.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe he was trying to distance himself from this Jewish group in light of all the world-wide protests against Israel during their time of war. I wouldn't be surprise if it was fake.
Jorge hasn't been well for the last 10 years, must be because he is full of BS!
Novena - Oremus
The Vatican said Francis has “a bit of a cold” 🇻🇦
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Pope Francis talked and joked with crowds of children and appeared to be in good health on Monday afternoon, after a brief scare earlier in the day when he said he was not well."-- taken from another site. But proof that he was faking again. Darn!
Tony M
After nearly 11 years of this old man playing us.....can anyone believe a single word he says???