
Crazy Germans: The Almighty Is "Death" - Faithful "Overrate" Mass

We are "surrounded by one almighty, whether we like it or not," Hildesheim Bishop Heiner Wilmer, Germany, told DeutschlandFunk.de (April 12).

He identifies "death" as "the almighty par excellence."

Wilmer criticises Catholics because they are "fixated only on the Eucharist" although Christ is "also present" in the Bible and in communal prayer [but in a very different way].

The reaction of the faithful to the coronavirus ban on liturgy shows that "the Eucharist is indeed overrated," Wilmer repeats, "As if there were nothing else."

Despite the prohibition of all liturgies, Wilmer doesn't feel restricted in his religious freedom. The "real renouncement" for him is "giving up on the community."

Picture: Heiner Wilmer, © SabrinaBecker, CC BY-SA, #newsDevanmusrp

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De Profundis
This is for you, Wilmer.
Angelici Ordinis
Angelici Ordinis
Vatican II is the Founding Council of a new Gnostic Sect, and the Novus Ordo is the liturgy of that gnostic sect. This sect is heretical and schismatic. ANATHEMA SIT.
To what (existing) church do you belong?
Fr Dan
The Blessed Eucharist is the very Flesh and Blood, Body, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Who deigns to dwell in those who receive him in the great Sacrament. He is life and salvation to those who believe. John 6 says it all. If you eat the flesh of the Son if Man and drink His Blood, You will dwell in Him and He in you. Par Excelence.
As a Priest this horror time of trial is a moment for us to …More
The Blessed Eucharist is the very Flesh and Blood, Body, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Who deigns to dwell in those who receive him in the great Sacrament. He is life and salvation to those who believe. John 6 says it all. If you eat the flesh of the Son if Man and drink His Blood, You will dwell in Him and He in you. Par Excelence.
As a Priest this horror time of trial is a moment for us to repent and to return to the Lord our God. The Faithful cannot receive thier Lord and the priest cannot do what he is meant to do, feed the sheep. God deliver us from these days and bring us to conversion.
Joseph a' Christian
@Fr Dan Yes we can. Any priest who stands up and promotes his celebrating a Holy Mass, whether it be in a Church building or a field, faithful such as myself will flock to this great celebration.
We do not have to obey unjust laws of pagans/satanists, the ones in secular governments and the terribly destructive, faithless, homosexual false bishops such as : Tobin, Dolan, Cupich, False Francis... …More
@Fr Dan Yes we can. Any priest who stands up and promotes his celebrating a Holy Mass, whether it be in a Church building or a field, faithful such as myself will flock to this great celebration.
We do not have to obey unjust laws of pagans/satanists, the ones in secular governments and the terribly destructive, faithless, homosexual false bishops such as : Tobin, Dolan, Cupich, False Francis... they have jumped the fence of the sheepfold and stolen the offices where true bishops of Christ belong.
Any true faithful priest who has the backbone to celebrate Holy Mass, a hundred miles or more from me, Philadelphia/N.J./N.Y. region, i would be joyful to attend. I would not wear a mask, and would offer a Christian kiss of greeting to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus our Lord, as the Holy Word instructs us.
Christ our King is greater than a ridiculously hyped virus.
Brother Joseph.
@Joseph a' Christian There is nothing in Fr Dan's comment that merits your attack on the Church's leadership. Incidentally, "False Francis" may be the bishop of Rome, but he's also the Pope and you have never shown any proof he's a homosexual. You're obsessed with homosexuals and it's one of your few truly entertaining failings.
"We do not have to obey unjust laws of pagans/satanists, the ones in …More
@Joseph a' Christian There is nothing in Fr Dan's comment that merits your attack on the Church's leadership. Incidentally, "False Francis" may be the bishop of Rome, but he's also the Pope and you have never shown any proof he's a homosexual. You're obsessed with homosexuals and it's one of your few truly entertaining failings.

"We do not have to obey unjust laws of pagans/satanists, the ones in secular governments"

Empty talk from your empty head. You just try disobeying what you feel are unjust laws, Joe-Joe. Go for it, big guy. See where that gets you. Don't run your mouth about a "faithful priest who has the backbone" to defy his religious superiors when you don't have any yourself. You're not defying secular authorities. You're sitting cooped up like a good little sheeple becuase you don't have that "backbone" to put some action into your tough talk.

" a Christian kiss of greeting to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus our Lord, as the Holy Word instructs us."

...said the guy who insults the Pope, butchers Scripture to justify his rampant bigotry and, in the final act of hypocrisy wouldn't even return an Easter greeting from a fellow Catholic.

Your "Christian kiss of greeting" isn't worth the spit you leave on someone's cheek.
However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
@Joseph a' Christian You don't know what you're talking about, which is normal for you.
Gesu is holding "German Catholics accountable" for the insanity of the German clergy. Fine. He should apply his standards evenly to the Latin American Catholics as well. After all, Pope Francis is not a German. ;-)
You're making baseless accusations, which is also normal for you. I'm not defending "evil" …More
@Joseph a' Christian You don't know what you're talking about, which is normal for you.

Gesu is holding "German Catholics accountable" for the insanity of the German clergy. Fine. He should apply his standards evenly to the Latin American Catholics as well. After all, Pope Francis is not a German. ;-)

You're making baseless accusations, which is also normal for you. I'm not defending "evil" any more than I'm defending Pope Francis. I've lost count how many times I've explained that to you directly, you vacuous nitwit.

You accuse me of this, I explain why you're wrong. A day or so later, you repeating the sam lie. It's like.. truth and falsehood have no objecitve meaning to you. Little surprise given the other lies you spread on a daily basis.

...and no, he isn't "false Francis". He's the Pope. I don't like it, but he is who he is. Speaking of smashing rats back into the sewers, every time you've presented some silly claim to the contrary, I've done precisely that with it. Like I said, you don't know what you're talking about.

"Americanism has devastated Catholic teaching and unity in America. We Christians were watered down terribly."

We Catholics, not we Christians, the Lutherans didn't give a hoot one way or the other. No, we weren't watered down at all.

Americanism was little more than an academic bun-fight. Many Catholics during that back 'n forth letter writing campaign with the Vatican never knew it even happened. It was focused primarily on one author, Fr. Isaac Hecker, and his optimistic notions of ecumenical outreach to Protestants. He took it upon himself to speak in "nationalist" terms which led the Pope to address it in a similar context.

That's akin to concluding a brainless crackpot like you speaks for all American Catholics. Leo's condemnation of the heresy implicitly recognized as much. Here's a list of the American priests, bishops and cardinals Pope Leo XIII formally condemned for the heresy by name: Nobody.

"The Disunited States in America, is a nation formed by satanic Masonics."

Think so? So what are you still doing here? You're like every other America-hater. All you do is run your big mouth non-stop about the supposed evils of this country while taking advantage of all the good things we offer.

It's real simple, Joe-Joe. Vote with your feet.

You think America is that horrible? A nation formed by evil satanic Masonics 'n all that rot? Cool. Pick a better country, a more Catholic country. Plenty to choose from. Go there. Nobody's forcing you to stay.

"St. Paul stated, Be ye separate, because believers and unbelievers do not belong together."

So why are you still here, Joe-Joe? ...and don't blame COVID, you've had plenty of time to leave long before this started.

If you truly believe what you're saying, namely America is from its inception "a nation formed by satanic Masonics" and those are your words, Joe-joe. then you should have scooted out the moment you swallowed that "red-pill".

...and yet here you stay.

You stay for the reason clowns like you always stay. You're a soft, weak, lazy hypocrite who's addicted to an American standard of living, American luxuries, American healthcare, and American liberties you just can't get in one place anywhere else on this planet.

So it's fair to say this nasty ole' country here is treating you 'n yours mighty fine, Joe-Joe... even if you are an ungrateful little wretch.
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet You defend evil.
St. Pope Pius X, his strong work against the blasphemous, faithless modernists, smashed these rats back into their sewers.
False Francis and the rest of the Vatican 2 gang have led these satanic modernists, to steal posistions of authority and they are bolder than ever.
Americanism has devastated Catholic teaching and unity in America. We Christians were watered down …More
@Ultraviolet You defend evil.
St. Pope Pius X, his strong work against the blasphemous, faithless modernists, smashed these rats back into their sewers.
False Francis and the rest of the Vatican 2 gang have led these satanic modernists, to steal posistions of authority and they are bolder than ever.
Americanism has devastated Catholic teaching and unity in America. We Christians were watered down terribly.
The Disunited States in America, is a nation formed by satanic Masonics.
St. Paul stated, Be ye separate, because believers and unbelievers do not belong together.
love the cartoon! 🤗 🤗
Gesù è con noi
Everyone knows that the St. Gallen sect sponsored by the German mafia elected the Anti Pope Bergoglio in fact all those who support the German schism and the anti pope have responsibility and are complicit with the apostates. And Church's Magisterium decreed automatic excommunication for ALL the accomplices of heretics. mercaba.org/MAGISTERIO/cum_ex_apostola…
Eric M
That all of this is happening under Antipope Bergoglio while some still call him "the pope" is insane.
Dr Bobus
Do you think there haven't been bad popes in the history of the Church?
As far as I know, those bad popes deserved to be called popes because they were correctly elected in valid conclaves. All this seems not applicable to Mr. Bergoglio
The Church in troubled times got bad popes who were liars, adulterers, murderers, even homosexuals, lazy, drunkards, etc...
But these bad popes never erred in the Catholic Faith.
Alex A
@Fischl> Not so. Often the Papal throne was 'bought' for. The Medici family are a prime example of this. However, no Pope prior to V2, thought of 'changing' the core tenets of Catholicism.
Oh really, @Gesù è con noi? So we must begin to hold Latin American Catholics accountable for "Bergoglio" and every corrupt Latin cardinal/ bishop? Yes?
...because I've got some bad news for you, buddy. Papa Francisco is making certain there are plenty more where he came from.
Oh really, @Gesù è con noi? So we must begin to hold Latin American Catholics accountable for "Bergoglio" and every corrupt Latin cardinal/ bishop? Yes?

...because I've got some bad news for you, buddy. Papa Francisco is making certain there are plenty more where he came from.
Gesù è con noi
We must begin to hold German Catholics accountable who, although they are seeing the apostasy of this schismatic sect, continue to sponsor God's enemies with their money. Instead of separating from these apostates and denouncing them, they continue to pay German tax from a sect that is obviously not Catholic.
"Germanicism" is emerging as a new collection of heresies far-surpassing the worst of the supposed "modernist" errors condemned as "Americanism."
Alex A