Bishop Vigano TENEBRÆ FACTÆ SUNT Meditation on Good Friday

Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò TENEBRÆ FACTÆ SUNT Meditation on Good Friday A sexta autem hora tenebræ factæ sunt super universam terram usque ad horam nonam. From noon until three in the afternoon it was …More
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò
Meditation on Good Friday
A sexta autem hora tenebræ factæ sunt super universam terram usque ad horam nonam.
From noon until three in the afternoon it was dark over the whole earth.
Mt 27:45
Tenebræ factæ sunt. In the hour of Our Lord’s agony, the whole of nature, the cosmos itself, is clothed in the black clouds of mourning. Darkness. And along with the darkness, cold, biting air, and a silence pregnant with horror and emotion for the impending death of Christ. The sky is leaden and threatening, the earth ready to quiver and tremble with indignation. On the high ground of Golgotha, where sharp stones and thorny bushes dominate Jerusalem, the Cross has been raised, and on the Cross is nailed the Immaculate Lamb, Priest and Victim. We dare not raise our eyes to look, and we remain at the foot of that scaffold, together with the Virgin and Saint John.
This is your hour, it is the empire of darkness (Lk 22:53), the Lord said the night before, …
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