Road of Perdition – Destruction of the Third Temple

The days of darkness have come, times of abomination of desolation and great deviation. Our Lord Jesus Christ built his Church on rock. He laid its foundations solid, hard as granite, connecting its elements with his own innocent Blood. Later, the glory of this third Temple was strengthened by the blood of the Apostles and their successor martyrs.

Man is a sinful being by nature, and so, as could be predicted, millimeter by millimeter, meter by meter Judas betrayal crept into his structures over the centuries. We should not be surprised by this. After all, even Our Lord had a traitor in the ranks of his closest ones . After all, knowing this, Jesus Christ pointed out to us that we should beware. He knew well the souls of men and knew that Judas is among men, and the closer someone is to God, the more careful he should be. The Revelation foretelling the fall was written at the very beginning of Christianity by St. John, thus the only apostle who persevered to the end. And this gives this Revelation even more importance.

Incomprehensible, then, is the stubborn claim of today’s heretics – modernists that ” the gates of hell shall not prevail against him”. They use this argument probably the greatest blasphemers in the history of the Church. However, they are liars, and the father of lies is Satan, so their actions are in keeping with Judas’ nature . They deliberately manipulate the meaning of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ by pointing out that the Church is buildings and administration . However, Jeremiah already spoke of building the Church in the spirit, not with bricks . The Church is formed by people faithful to Revelation and Tradition, and only they will stay on the rock, the rest are falling or will fall into the abysses of hell...Road of Perdition – Destruction of the Third Temple
Jeffrey Ade
Tuff love! But great article, needed in these times! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!