Eternal God, who art righteousness
in your mercy, you watch what man does
and wait for the last of the faithful to escape.
O Beloved, I know the wickedness that is done.
Those who would lead Your people are filled with treachery
They drink Judas’ blood and forget You
Men are worthy of Thy wrath but we who carry our cross need a little water of life
They have cast off the crosses adorning the …More
Eternal God, who art righteousness

in your mercy, you watch what man does

and wait for the last of the faithful to escape.

O Beloved, I know the wickedness that is done.

Those who would lead Your people are filled with treachery

They drink Judas’ blood and forget You


Men are worthy of Thy wrath but we who carry our cross need a little water of life


They have cast off the crosses adorning the souls of the just

putting on a crown of human greatness

they thought they were building a crown of gold

but they have wreathed a diadem of vipers around their throats
Thy Holy Cross they cast down
Thousands of gallows they erected shouting We are great


Men are worthy of Thy wrath but we who carry our cross need a little water of life


But, my God, on my knees I beseech thee

have mercy on those who have not dishonoured themselves by treason

straying, among the ruins of faith

disempowered, maybe even frightened

but, Lord, they only look to You

They do not worship the Vatican beast

Nor do they pay homage to the first beast wounded and healed

They are worthy of Thy wrath! – Psalm

Eternal God, who art righteousness in your mercy, you watch what man does and wait for the last of the faithful to escape. O Beloved, I know the wickedness that is …