
Bishop: What Message Did the Church's Worldwide Covid Shutdown Send?

Never, a universal shutdown of the sacraments has happened in the 2,000-year history of the Church, not even during wars, plagues, and persecutions, retired Swiss Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti, 66, writes on LifeSiteNews.com (April 22).

Eleganti sees alternatives: The Church could have intensified her sacramental life and trust in God and his miracles, “Instead, it acted according to a secular logic which doesn't know the Faith, and causes the shutdown of the sacraments and the desolation of the places of pilgrimage.”

This way, the whole world has seen that the Church thinks and acts in a secular way "as if they had no faith in the efficacy and presence of God." Eleganti notices that “our own measures” did not achieve the desired effect but caused enormous damage.

Picture: Marian Eleganti, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsLnyksdakxt

Jeffrey Ade
I think those who shut down our churches proved they are false shepherds. Hirelings. Sad but true. "Obedience is greater then..."one priest said. Since the you tube video was cut off we didn't know what his last words were but it isn't a stretch of the imagination to insert the word Faith?
Dr Bobus
During the Covid chaos it was sad (and significant) that priests and bishops never mentioned or invoked St Damien of Molokai, Instead, they were concerned about their safety.