
Vatican Financial Reform Subjected to "Total Reversal"

An anonymous expert told Edward Pentin (April 27) that the so called reform of the Vatican finances is a failure.

According to him, Dozens of cases of financial crimes were uncovered in the early years of Francis’ pontificate, but not prosecuted.

The Office of the “Promoter of Justice” selects only very few cases to process ignoring all the rest.

The source adds, “Although no one wants to admit it, effectively we are witnessing the total reversal of the reforms process of five years ago.”

Picture: © European Parliament, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsZkjlvceinz
Dr Bobus
Francis was elected to reform the Curia. Instead, he proceeded with his own 1970s Jesuit agenda. That caused him to lose the support of many Cardinals, whom he needed for financial reform. And Francis seems unable to control Cardinal Parolin, the Sec of State.