
Francis' Cardinal Protects Controversial Auxiliary Bishop

Auxiliary Bishop Juan Pineda of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, enjoys a lavish lifestyle which includes ownership of several expensive cars and frequent first class air travel, Edward Pentin reports (April 27).

Nevertheless, Pineda remains in his position with the protection of Tegucigalpa Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, Pineda's personal friend who is also the coordinator of the Council of Cardinals and a propagandist of Francis' "poverty" ideology.

According to Pentin, Pineda is responsible for the disappearance of $1.3 million the Honduran government gave for charitable Church projects. The money was deposited with a trust but never passed through the ordinary accounting of the diocese and finally "disappeared”.

Pineda made an attempt to account for the money, but his report does not provide any invoices, vouchers or documents.

Last month, Pentin uncovered that Pineda is credibly accused by former seminarians of homosexual abuses.

Picture: Juan Pineda, © House Committee on Foreign Affairs, CC BY-NC, #newsZwkjfkzjvv
The bishop chooses the good life here instead of the hereafter. Fool.
Gesù è con noi
They are not Catholic they belong to a gay sect