Biden Mourns Babies Killed By Guns, But Not Abortion

Photo ~ Photo of Vice President Joseph Biden after receiving communion at the memorial Mass for Archbishop Sambi in September 2011. Cardinal Dolan in foreground. Biden Mourns Babies Killed By Guns, …More
Photo ~ Photo of Vice President Joseph Biden after receiving communion at the memorial Mass for Archbishop Sambi in September 2011. Cardinal Dolan in foreground.
Biden Mourns Babies Killed By Guns, But Not Abortion
Joe Biden’s heart bleeds for defenseless babies. The Vice President told us so last month, while advocating a ban on assault weapons.
“Think about Newtown,” said Biden, and “those 20 beautiful babies” that were shot and killed by Adam Lanza. “Think about how many of these children…may be alive today,” he said, if only the baby-killer hadn’t possessed a Bushmaster.
Well, I might think the Veep’s lamentations for Newtown’s tender-aged victims genuine if I heard him express similar grief for other beautiful babies that have been so remorselessly killed.
Like those killed at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Biden’s home state of Delaware, under conditions so horrifying – even for an abortion clinic – that two former nurses decided this week to blow the whistle.
Hay Zeus
Dolan looks the other way while Biden receives communion as though he doesn't see what's going on. Yet Dolan doesn't have the b$$$ to refuse him either.
Woe to you that call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness:that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)
And they aren't baby-killers! Hypocrites!