
Spain: Francis’ “Synodality” Hypocrisy

Francis scorns the Spanish Bishops' Conference, writes InfoVaticana.com (September 11)

• Francis appointed Madrid Archbishop Cobo to the Congregation of Bishops although he is unknown and was appointed to Madrid only a few months ago.

• “If Francis says he attaches so much importance to collegiality, to the Episcopal Conferences, to synodality, why hasn't he chosen for the Congregation Dicastery for Bishops a bishop whom his brothers have already elected for some office?”

• Francis treats the Spanish bishops as officials of a ministry who must act under the orders of their dictator, calling this “collegiality” and “synodality.”

• Bergoglio acts like an Argentinean politician who uses his pawns and removes them when they no longer serve him.

• This is what he has done with Madrid's Cardinal Osoro whom he has not even phoned in recent months.

Picture: José Cobo © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsTzuntttdrg

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Is he a homosexual like nearly all the other Pope Francis appointees and his gang, Cupich,Tobin,McIlroy,Gregory,Roche,Prevost,Fr.MArtin,Hollerich,Grech, etc.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Not from what I have read. He has said that June is Sacred Heart Month not pride month and compared gay marriage to a Eucharist with coca cola.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Then perhaps he isn't bad. Perhaps I am guilty, like a lot of others, that because of his terrible reputation and agenda, that I automatically assume that Francis has appointed another pro-homo radical apostate who will join Francis in the destruction of the Church.