After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will Be So ……020/11/Desperation-Pixabay.jpg When people become desperate enough, those …
I'm optimistic people are NOT accepting such "solutions" and they're beginning to rebel against the ones already being imposed. Saw another example of this earlier today while shopping.
Shopper 1: (notices another woman "too close" at the deli counter) "Didn't you read the sign on the door? Everyone has to stay six feet apart."
Shopper 2: "STFU, you %^*&$$%. I'm sick of you COVID Nazis getting off …More
I'm optimistic people are NOT accepting such "solutions" and they're beginning to rebel against the ones already being imposed. Saw another example of this earlier today while shopping.

Shopper 1: (notices another woman "too close" at the deli counter) "Didn't you read the sign on the door? Everyone has to stay six feet apart."

Shopper 2: "STFU, you %^*&$$%. I'm sick of you COVID Nazis getting off your little power trip."

UV: (begins loudly and steadily applauding Shopper 2).

Shopper 3: (six foot plus, African American linebacker type. pointedly gets in Shopper 1's face) "Yeah! I ain't six feet, neither. Watchu gonna do, bish? Whatchu gonna do now, huh? You want six feet, you gonna hafta back you lill white az right on back."

UV: (applauds further and tries defusing things with lulz, turning to Shopper 3): "Excuse me sir, I simply must disagree. You are definitely more than six feet. I'm five ten and I have to look up at you,...waay up ."

Shopper 3: (big laugh, lots of shiny white teeth) "Yeah, dat's what ahm, talkin' bout." which point Shopper 1 began staring at her shoes and visibly grinding her teeth, muttering. Oh dear... Shopper 3 noticed.

Shoppper 3 "Whuzzat? You got somefin' you wanna say to me, bish? Go head. Say it to me, not to dem shoes! See what happens."

Shopper 1 fell silent.

Empirical evidence, technically a fallacy of anecdotal evidence, yet still instructive.
complete crazy
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