18 pages
PADRE PIO AND GARABANDAL Comprehensive and accurate summary of his extraordinary life; Connection to Garabandal; Testimonies and Holy Mass. (The readability of the text can be improved somewhat by …More
Comprehensive and accurate summary of his extraordinary life; Connection to Garabandal; Testimonies and Holy Mass.
(The readability of the text can be improved somewhat by enlarging it in your browser setting - or, even better, by downloading the pdf directly: go to More/Download/Save.)
Hi John, you might want to take a look at the information on this thread: Alleged revelation about the Miracle of Garabandal
Many thanks Basto. I'm slowly working my way through it all and have already downloaded the video. From what I've viewed so far its relevance to the importance of the Holy Eucharist is beyond doubt and consistent with the Holy Virgins Messages for the World. I note especially the connection to the martyr of the Eucharist. I intend to comment again after further study.
The testimony of Fr …More
Many thanks Basto. I'm slowly working my way through it all and have already downloaded the video. From what I've viewed so far its relevance to the importance of the Holy Eucharist is beyond doubt and consistent with the Holy Virgins Messages for the World. I note especially the connection to the martyr of the Eucharist. I intend to comment again after further study.
The testimony of Fr Francisco Amaral is of particular interest given the crisis in the priesthood. Concerning the promised Miracle: mention should also be made of the ‘Ecclesiastical Event’ coinciding with it. In my opinion; this important event will result in the election of a valid successor to Pope Benedict XVI, and with it the fulfillment of the conditions necessary for a valid consecration of Russia and its conversion - thus completing the Promises of the Immaculate Heart of Mary made at Fatima.
United in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
This alleged new revelation from Father Laffineur given by Santiago Lanús is too perfect and holly to be fake... I'm going to try to get the book. To me, this has a profound meaning, very personal, related to something amazing that has happened to me privately some years ago.
By the way, in our old times, I used to be someone very interested in Garabandal, but I'm a believer now, after being there …More
This alleged new revelation from Father Laffineur given by Santiago Lanús is too perfect and holly to be fake... I'm going to try to get the book. To me, this has a profound meaning, very personal, related to something amazing that has happened to me privately some years ago.

By the way, in our old times, I used to be someone very interested in Garabandal, but I'm a believer now, after being there. I like your understanding in the connection between the Miracle and the definition of a valid successor to Pope Benedict XVI, I thought a lot about that as well, I don't know if "election" is the right word, some believe that the next Pope will be chosen directly by Heaven. I believe he will come out from the Eastern Rite Catholics, I even have a name to bet on, but it's just a bet... 😊
Revelações sobre o dia do Milagre de Garabandal - Rui Costa, Pe. Francisco Amaral e Sonia Biscaia
I don't know if you can understand Portuguese or if you're using automatic translation, but focus on the video after the 1h:39.
In reply to your first point: An Ecclesiastical Event implies an assembly of the Hierarchy – including Bishops and Archbishops – aka Vigano.
A valid consecration requires a validly elected Pope united with those Bishops faithful to him. The Ecclesiastical Event would therefore satisfy both conditions and with it the authority to proceed with the Consecration of Russia - directly. The Apostolic …More
In reply to your first point: An Ecclesiastical Event implies an assembly of the Hierarchy – including Bishops and Archbishops – aka Vigano.
A valid consecration requires a validly elected Pope united with those Bishops faithful to him. The Ecclesiastical Event would therefore satisfy both conditions and with it the authority to proceed with the Consecration of Russia - directly. The Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis makes it clear the election of a successor to the Apostle Peter can take place outside of Rome – my bet is at Fatima. And the name of the new Pope to be Peter.
I am pleased to read of your acceptance of the Garabandal events and will remember you and your loved ones in my daily Rosary.
With respect to the manifestation of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and Transubstantiation at the Miracle - I make no comment. I think its more important for all of us to be in a state of grace beforehand.
Finally, for your information: I do not accept the opinion by Maria Saraco and others as credible; expressing April as the month for the Miracle; including that published by the MOG site which is the very reason why I am not a member.
Recall, that shortly before the promised Miracle – an event; unnamed, will occur resulting in many – including Conchita’s family, no longer believing in her vision. I understand this to mean there will be no prior announcement by the visionary confirming April as the month of the Miracle. Those undertaking travel to the village in expectation of an April Miracle: only to be disappointed, will then declare Conchita and her vision false; thus fulfilling the unnamed event prophesied above. Its important for us to understand ‘There was no fifth visionary’ appointed by the Holy Virgin to make known the month of the Miracle at Garabandal. More here: Conchita Interview Late Late Show From New York
Note in the program Conchita identifies the date as "between the months."
Pax Vobiscum.
I am not an expert in all of those details as you, I never spent to much time or effort studding them... Do you think that it's possible that if a certain bishop decides to consecrate Russia and invites every other bishop in the world that could happen at the same time as the Miracle and Russia be instantly converted and people recognize that bishop as the Pope for that?
Mons. Viganò is problematic …More
I am not an expert in all of those details as you, I never spent to much time or effort studding them... Do you think that it's possible that if a certain bishop decides to consecrate Russia and invites every other bishop in the world that could happen at the same time as the Miracle and Russia be instantly converted and people recognize that bishop as the Pope for that?

Mons. Viganò is problematic IMHO...
Short answer: NO.
Your reference to Mons Vigano is noted.
I omitted to include the following to my previous comment:
'The mandate from heaven to make known the month/date of the promised Miracle was given to Conchita alone and to no one else'.
Pray for Conchita.
And what about Kiev, John? What's the role of Kiev in all of this?
Malachi Martin: o Segredo de Fátima está relacionado com a Ucrânia
I accept Fr Martins evaluation/predictions. Although the situation appears critical I do not believe in a doomsday outcome. I recall however, Mari Loli's reference to "Russia suddenly and unexpectedly invading Western Europe". This could be related to Fr Malachi Martins comments; in which case we should make preparation now: before its too late.
The focus of Malachi Martin's reference to Ukraine and specifically Kiev is not war, although that may be its framing. When he says "the final solution to this problem" he is saying in other words "the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary", which means the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith and all the good consequences that will result from that for the rest of the world. The first …More
The focus of Malachi Martin's reference to Ukraine and specifically Kiev is not war, although that may be its framing. When he says "the final solution to this problem" he is saying in other words "the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary", which means the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith and all the good consequences that will result from that for the rest of the world. The first conversion of Russia began in Kiev, perhaps the second conversion will also be like this.

Anyway, no one has to believe Malachi Martin...
Thanks Basto.
At the rate things are going there won't be any Ukraine left to convert, if there is, it's more likely to become part of the Russian Federation. I remember reading an article where Padre Pio was quoted as saying 'The conversion of Europe will be at the shedding of much blood' - an ominous prediction if ever there was one - hence my reference.
Fr Malachi Martin having read the Fatima …More
Thanks Basto.
At the rate things are going there won't be any Ukraine left to convert, if there is, it's more likely to become part of the Russian Federation. I remember reading an article where Padre Pio was quoted as saying 'The conversion of Europe will be at the shedding of much blood' - an ominous prediction if ever there was one - hence my reference.
Fr Malachi Martin having read the Fatima Third Secret qualifies him as a credible authority.
UPDATED: Hi Basto, The West's Not-So-Subtle Message To Russia: Photo Emerges of F-16 with
Has all the hallmarks necessary for a Russian Invasion of Western Europe as foretold by Mari Loli.
Things are getting bitter... I can't open this link without subscription.
Since my comment, the site owner has moved access to his articles behind a paywall.
Essentially, he made mention of the supply of U.S.F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine. Those aircraft have the capacity to be armed with a B-61 Nuclear Bomb. The implications and threat to Russia will be obvious.
A summary of HT's articles can be found here:
Right, thank you. I don't see an easy solution for that war unless Russia is suddenly converted by heavenly intervention. Putinist Russia is already repeating the erros of soviet regime and is getting worse. Russia bans Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Catholic ministries in occupied region of Ukraine
Correct - heavenly intervention is the only solution. Prepare for the Worldwide Warning.
Live Mike
An article from 2019