Please wake up and smell the fakery! But, please, wake up!

Regime In Panic: Wake Up And Smell The Fakery

Regime In Panic: Wake Up And Smell The Fakery We're reaching peak fakery and it can't come fast enough. Once a critical mass of people sees through the fake …
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Please wake up and smell the fakery! But, please, wake up!
Juan Perez
And the same happens in the religious show they have. Instead of offering a solution they talk and talk and people are enterteined by the destruction of the church. But nobody, nobody popular just stop and say: what does the Church law says?? Have we ever had a problem like this before? How did they solve it? What are the legal procedures to solve the múltiple issues, like the legality of the novus …More
And the same happens in the religious show they have. Instead of offering a solution they talk and talk and people are enterteined by the destruction of the church. But nobody, nobody popular just stop and say: what does the Church law says?? Have we ever had a problem like this before? How did they solve it? What are the legal procedures to solve the múltiple issues, like the legality of the novus ordo sacraments, like whether the pope resigned or not, whether Bishop strikland was doing the right thing in obeying the order given by pope Francis. Nobody is explaining their actions in light of the law, NOBODY IS FOLLOWING THE LAW, EVERYBODY IS ACTING AS IF WE DONT HAvE ANY LAW. no wonder the antichrist is the lawless one. Sorry for my english.
@Juan Perez Thanks for sharing. Bottom line: ignorance is no excuse. The solution awaits the return of the Virgin. Source; Pope John Paul II at Fulda, Germany, 1980.
No need to apologize for your English your concerns are self evident.
Juan Perez
Humanly speaking you only have the law to defend yourself, and it is still good. But most people are ignorant of it. Instead they sit and watch the shows with their favorite actors like kamala, trumpie, biden, bannon, and the rest and they fight and you take sides and you waste your time an energy, because it is easier than trying to study.
One more comment from Juan Perez
Juan Perez
Thank you! It is very sad that catholics are puting their trust in a man like Trump. They need to make Trump as a héroe to make everybody trust him, why? To unleash the next crisis, probably another bug. The plan would not work with somebody not popular like Biden. At this point i dont know if you can appeal to ignorance. You vote for him (or any other) you vote for death. Get away from politics!…More
Thank you! It is very sad that catholics are puting their trust in a man like Trump. They need to make Trump as a héroe to make everybody trust him, why? To unleash the next crisis, probably another bug. The plan would not work with somebody not popular like Biden. At this point i dont know if you can appeal to ignorance. You vote for him (or any other) you vote for death. Get away from politics! Read the law instead