
Marriage Annulment on the Rise after Francis’ Reform

The number of marriage annulment processes in several American dioceses has been published by ncronline.org. The inquiry shows a remarkable increase of annulments after the change introduced by Francis …More
The number of marriage annulment processes in several American dioceses has been published by ncronline.org. The inquiry shows a remarkable increase of annulments after the change introduced by Francis in 2015. The dioceses of Indianapolis, San Diego and Alexandria (Louisiana) had 70 percent and higher increases in the number of annulment requests in 2016 compared to 2015. Some marriage tribunal staff spoke of a "real change of culture."
Picture: © Gerard Van der Leun, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsNixonixfaf
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Pope Pius XII condemned the “moral situation” of Amoris Laetitia.
Pope Pius XII condemned the “moral situation” of Amoris Laetitia.

When man changes one of GOD'S Laws it impacts others. It wasn't against GOD'S Laws for a man to have more than one wife (example: Moses & Jacob). That option seriously reduced the need to have a divorce. If your wife didn't want to have sex you just found a second one that did. If your wife didn't like cooking and cleaning or raising children, you just found another wife that did. You didn't need …More
When man changes one of GOD'S Laws it impacts others. It wasn't against GOD'S Laws for a man to have more than one wife (example: Moses & Jacob). That option seriously reduced the need to have a divorce. If your wife didn't want to have sex you just found a second one that did. If your wife didn't like cooking and cleaning or raising children, you just found another wife that did. You didn't need to divorce the first one. You just added a second one.

So you see the divorce problem was created by man when they made it illegal to have more than one wife. So divorce is now the acceptable option over adding a second wife. The church has put GOD'S Laws out-of-balance by changing one part of the equation without changing the other side of the equation.

Man just isn't smart enough to overrule GOD'S Laws. GOD has HIS reasons for everyone of them and we should TRUST AND OBEY HIM after all HE is GOD.