SSPX: we recognize the authority of the Pope

SSPX: we recognize the authority of the Pope

The Society of St Pius X has said it must defend Church teaching from error but that it recognises the full authority of the Pope over the Church.

“As for all the novelties of the Second Vatican Council, which remain tainted with errors, and for the reforms derived from it,” the statement said, “the society can only continue to uphold the affirmations and teachings of the constant Magisterium of the Church.”

Chapter members formally affirmed their faith in the Roman Catholic Church and its hierarchical structure in which “the supreme power of government over the universal Church belongs only to the Pope, vicar of Christ on earth.”

At the same time, members said they would continue to seek guidance from the “constant tradition of the Church” as they await “the day when an open and serious debate will be possible which may allow the return to tradition of the ecclesiastical authorities”.

Ending with a prayer, the statement asked Mary “to chase the enemies out from inside the Church”, saying some inside the Church “are trying to destroy it more radically than its enemies from outside”.

Read more Here.
Fix the Family
For the record I think SSPX would do well to express itself more like philosopher here instead of as this article and some of those commenting. He has the right idea as to where the problems we are all aware of lie-it's not in the documents. When attributed to VC2 you antagonize a lot of folks who might otherwise support you. Just a little hint here guys.
Fix the Family
BM-that would defeat my purpose for commenting here.
Ben Martin
FiX=-==you can always email me
Fix the Family
Ben Martin--I would reply, but GTV will delete my comment.
Ben Martin
Fix the family---why the should Catholics adapt to Protestantism, many of the changes after V2 and New Mess are Protestant---why join them because the crowd or sheep do?--Christ is our Shepherd not man or heretics.
Remember who changed here--who made the radical changes?---V2 and N.O. Mess did, not SSPX---they are one that need to make accountability for changing from the teaching and standard---…More
Fix the family---why the should Catholics adapt to Protestantism, many of the changes after V2 and New Mess are Protestant---why join them because the crowd or sheep do?--Christ is our Shepherd not man or heretics.

Remember who changed here--who made the radical changes?---V2 and N.O. Mess did, not SSPX---they are one that need to make accountability for changing from the teaching and standard---Not SSPX---why would SSPX need to change to modernism, that makes no sense---you have Catholicism all backwards---

Looks like you gave up on the the articles I gave you to prove them wrong, that V2 has heresy in it--with those example---it not Catholic to ignore the truth----protestants are ok with it but you should not.

Why not be Catholic it much easier than following these modernist heretics---if you knew your faith---you see what SSPX is fighting for---otherwise--be happy with the gay M(a)ess, Clown Mess, Polka Mess---and other sacrileges. How could God be happy with these abuses.
Fix the Family
Let me try again--this addresses the title of the article: If SSPX is so right, why do they recognize the authority of the Pope or seek to rejoin the Holy Roman Catholic Church?
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
For those who wish to comment, limit your comments to the news brief article posted. In the above case, either comment directly upon the remarks made by the SSPX or, on the other hand, counter the remarks made in the article and defend the numerous novelties that flowed following the Second Vatican Council to which the article refers.
Thank you for your cooperation.
A. PrincipeMore
For those who wish to comment, limit your comments to the news brief article posted. In the above case, either comment directly upon the remarks made by the SSPX or, on the other hand, counter the remarks made in the article and defend the numerous novelties that flowed following the Second Vatican Council to which the article refers.

Thank you for your cooperation.
A. Principe
Ben Martin
Oh St Ben and Johnny---if the truth is on your side please refute this:…/ecclesiology.pdf
Please--Show me in the light of Tradition that Old does not condemned the New--use the teachings prior to V2 and show me that these teachings are in communion with the new teachings---you can't!
This is just one of many examples where V2 fails to be Catholic and the religion formed …More
Oh St Ben and Johnny---if the truth is on your side please refute this:…/ecclesiology.pdf

Please--Show me in the light of Tradition that Old does not condemned the New--use the teachings prior to V2 and show me that these teachings are in communion with the new teachings---you can't!

This is just one of many examples where V2 fails to be Catholic and the religion formed after V2 fails to be Catholic--but a modernist religion and tool of the devil. it only take one error not to be Catholic---the New church has millions. Has the Rotten fruit to prove it 🚬
Veritas und Liebe
I pray for a speedy resolution, we have so much to gain together. 👍
Well done Ben Martin, HC, philosopher.. 👍 🤗
The situation between the SSPX and Rome is not so bleak. The SSPX has stuck to its guns pro-traditio. Bsp Fellay has said, yes, to the Holy Father and Magisterium, and a regularization, but no to novelties. I have never seen any writings where the V2 documents are condemned, if he had done that they would not even be negotiating. What he rightly criticizes is an application of a improper hermeneutics …More
The situation between the SSPX and Rome is not so bleak. The SSPX has stuck to its guns pro-traditio. Bsp Fellay has said, yes, to the Holy Father and Magisterium, and a regularization, but no to novelties. I have never seen any writings where the V2 documents are condemned, if he had done that they would not even be negotiating. What he rightly criticizes is an application of a improper hermeneutics that is not in the continuity with tradition. He has already acquiesced to Benedict's hermeneutics of the continuity of tradition.

Stand by for continued negotiations, clarifications, and regularization in the future.
Ben Martin
FIX the FAMILY---take your time and refute this…/ecclesiology.pdf
Please--Show me in the light of Tradition that Old does not condemned the New--use the teachings prior to V2 and show me that these teachings are in communion with the new teachings---you can't!
This is just one of many examples where V2 fails to be Catholic and the religion formed after V2 fails to be Catholic …More
FIX the FAMILY---take your time and refute this…/ecclesiology.pdf

Please--Show me in the light of Tradition that Old does not condemned the New--use the teachings prior to V2 and show me that these teachings are in communion with the new teachings---you can't!

This is just one of many examples where V2 fails to be Catholic and the religion formed after V2 fails to be Catholic--but a modernist religion and tool of the devil. it only take one error not to be Catholic---the New church has millions. Has the Rotten fruit to prove it. 🤗
Fix the Family
Again, we have an article posted here attributing "novelties" and "errors" to the Second Vatican Council. How can we comment on the "novelties" when none are stated? The issue is that the "novelties" and "errors" came from those dissidents inside the Church who misinterpreted and hijacked. VC2. If there are errors in the documents, they need to be stated and referenced. Also, if they recognize the …More
Again, we have an article posted here attributing "novelties" and "errors" to the Second Vatican Council. How can we comment on the "novelties" when none are stated? The issue is that the "novelties" and "errors" came from those dissidents inside the Church who misinterpreted and hijacked. VC2. If there are errors in the documents, they need to be stated and referenced. Also, if they recognize the authority of the Pope, why are they disobedient?
holyrope 3
Thanks, Gloria TV!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
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For those who wish to comment, limit your comments to the news brief article posted. In the above case, either comment directly upon the remarks made …More
Remarks that are derogatory or mocking in an indirect way will be removed and intransigent offenders (this includes sanctimonious pontificators, snarky neo-Catholics, plagiarists and/or pompous blockheads) will be prohibited from posting on

For those who wish to comment, limit your comments to the news brief article posted. In the above case, either comment directly upon the remarks made by the SSPX or, on the other hand, counter the remarks made in the article and defend the numerous novelties that flowed following the Second Vatican Council to which the article refers.

Thank you for your cooperation.
A. Principe