"Maintain the Spiritual Beauty" - New Seminary Project. www.newseminaryproject.org - A NewSeminary Project makes progress in Virginia. A massive building designed to house and support over 100 seminarians …More
"Maintain the Spiritual Beauty" - New Seminary Project.
www.newseminaryproject.org - A NewSeminary Project makes progress in Virginia. A massive building designed to house and support over 100 seminarians stands tall along the Blue Ridge Mountains. Although unforeseen challenges continually wage against the progress of this endeavor, the generosity of those faithful to the Church's Tradition have been vital to progress.
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It’s a once in a lifetime thing to be on this project and to be able to have a hand in building.
It has always been a very, very massive project to house close to over 100 Seminarians, that’s a very, very big project.
The unforeseen challenges, I think, would be trying to maintain the spiritual beauty of the building, while coming to the reality that the budget is a very limited source of income.
Most of the expense in modern architecture is not the actual materials, it’s the labor costs.
And a lot of times things that are unforeseen …More
It seems like GOD'S telling us, the church NEEDS a NEW ORDER of priests and nuns to build and maintain the church's buildings. It would greatly reduce costs and make expansion into poorer areas of the world a lot easier and more productive. Poorer areas of the world would also have few if any government regulations to slow the building process (like local permits ...).
The team could work in …More

It seems like GOD'S telling us, the church NEEDS a NEW ORDER of priests and nuns to build and maintain the church's buildings. It would greatly reduce costs and make expansion into poorer areas of the world a lot easier and more productive. Poorer areas of the world would also have few if any government regulations to slow the building process (like local permits ...).

The team could work in upgrades and maintenance at other facilities once the government red tape is completed and approved.


Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐