The Real Crisis In the Church. There is a storm in the Church. It is not over the Horizion, or just around the bend, but it is here, we are in the middle of it. This storm we have seen the effects of,…More
The Real Crisis In the Church.
There is a storm in the Church. It is not over the Horizion, or just around the bend, but it is here, we are in the middle of it. This storm we have seen the effects of, and thought they were the crisis. They are only birth pangs, a foretaste of a complete collapse of the faith in the west. If you have the courage to face it, and think outside the box listen to these words.
Holy Cannoli
>>>I too like Fulton Sheen, but I have to say he WOULD NOT FLY TODAY. He is far to melodramatic, and that odd habbit he had of grabbing his fierolla even when he doesn't have it.
Although I haven't thought of it before now, you are correct. The same “act” would not work in today's tough market. However, Bishop Sheen would be perceptive enough to adapt to the times. He would likely lose the cape …More
>>>I too like Fulton Sheen, but I have to say he WOULD NOT FLY TODAY. He is far to melodramatic, and that odd habbit he had of grabbing his fierolla even when he doesn't have it.

Although I haven't thought of it before now, you are correct. The same “act” would not work in today's tough market. However, Bishop Sheen would be perceptive enough to adapt to the times. He would likely lose the cape and limit the posturing and dramatics. Once he made the necessary adjustments, his basic skills would still remain and could easily be applied today. These traits included a profound knowledge of theology and philosophy, an engaging personality, lots of true life stories and a sharp sense of humor all of which assisted him in becoming widely viewed and loved. When he was once asked, where he got all of his wonderful material, the bishop responded, “"I feel it is time I pay tribute to my four writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John." lol

For very obvious reasons, add to that the fact that today's viewers are more skeptical and distrusting of Catholic clergy, in particular, a Catholic bishop, I would agree that his act “WOULD NOT FLY TODAY” as it once did in those innocent days of the 1950s and 1960s. Besides, by today's standards he was a “bit rough on Godlessness/Communism.” Again, by today's standards, the bishop would need to undergo sensitivity training in “charity.” We mustn't offend the Godless.

Thinking along those same lines, what about Our Lord's parables? Would He use the same Good Samaritan parable or would He modify the story to suit today's audience? How about the Prodigal son? The lost sheep? The sheep and goats?

I believe Christ used those stories because, for the times, His audience could readily understand, identify and remember them. If He were speaking today, I believe He would modify those stories so that today's audience could readily understand, identify and remember them and thereby the underlying truth on which the stories are based. Wouldn't it be worth the effort if today's homilists did the same thing?

>>>Your pizzas in chicago are too think for me. lol

Yo, Padre, we got thin, medium, thick and choke a horse thick pizzas for your dining pleasure. You get to choose. Me and my Mexican homies go for the medium, Yo. Props on giving those cannolis to your fellow marchers at the MFL.

Peace out

I too like Fulton Sheen, but I have to say he WOULD NOT FLY TODAY. He is far to melodramatic, and that odd habbit he had of grabbing his fierolla even when he doesn't have it. (You see Fr. Rutler copying this action a great deal.) Fulton was also very into distinct poses, but his method of teaching was more like a great lecture than a sermon. His best talk was the Malvern talk "All I ask for is one …More
I too like Fulton Sheen, but I have to say he WOULD NOT FLY TODAY. He is far to melodramatic, and that odd habbit he had of grabbing his fierolla even when he doesn't have it. (You see Fr. Rutler copying this action a great deal.) Fulton was also very into distinct poses, but his method of teaching was more like a great lecture than a sermon. His best talk was the Malvern talk "All I ask for is one hour." If you have a chance you should take a listen. Fulton also had a great deal of substance, he referenced everything except for few novels. (He was not one who read many novels, according to Treasure in Clay.) But his ability to flip from Philosophy and then to physics was a joy to listen to. But know he memorized his talks. In three languages. When he could deliver them in three languages with efficency then he delivered them. So his method was more like an ADS then a sermon.

Your pizzas in chicago are too think for me. lol
I even took some Vicarros Cannolis on the march for life. Vicarros has a shop in the metro station one before where it starts, so I brought a bag of them with me. I had happy marchers. lol
Holy Cannoli
One of my personal heroes is Bishop Sheen. I don't think I've watched all of his videos (many are right here on Glory.Tv) but his style, grace and ability to hold the attention of his audience is truly remarkable. I am very likely thinking about him and his presentations when I make my suggestions to other speakers at this site.
>>>As for the hands, and passion. lol lol lol
>>>I am a spic, what do …More
One of my personal heroes is Bishop Sheen. I don't think I've watched all of his videos (many are right here on Glory.Tv) but his style, grace and ability to hold the attention of his audience is truly remarkable. I am very likely thinking about him and his presentations when I make my suggestions to other speakers at this site.

>>>As for the hands, and passion. lol lol lol
>>>I am a spic, what do you expect? I am Mexican American, I grew up in the barrio of East Los(t) Angeles.

Look, I'm a pizza eating WOP from Chicago. I'm down with the hands. :-)

>>>I love cannolis, my favorite, but I don't eat any made by nuns who take a vow of silence. Godfather III ref.) Vicarros in Baltimore are the bomb..

As long as they are made fresh the day they are eaten and as long as they are stuffed with ricotta cheese and not pudding, they should be fine.

Pax tecum, Pater.

p.s. Me and my Mexican homies get together and eat steak tortas every other week for lunch. On the odd weeks, we have pizza.

I actually rarely use stories for a reason. When I was in seminary in Balitmore and working at the local Catholic Hospital a woman told me how irretated she was by sermon upon sermon with stories. She told me don't you priests have anything about the faith to say, you always use stories, because you lack content. (So I only rarely use stories, jokes, or other what I call rhetorical gimmicks if they …More
I actually rarely use stories for a reason. When I was in seminary in Balitmore and working at the local Catholic Hospital a woman told me how irretated she was by sermon upon sermon with stories. She told me don't you priests have anything about the faith to say, you always use stories, because you lack content. (So I only rarely use stories, jokes, or other what I call rhetorical gimmicks if they follow a series of rules I have laid out when to do it.)

As for the hands, and passion. lol lol lol

I am a spic, what do you expect? I am Mexican American, I grew up in the barrio of East Los(t) Angeles.

And please don't ask about my views on immigration, I will upload them sometime.

I am uploading the sermons right now, because I converted a bunch in March April, but have been to busy to do so before, I wanna put them on an external Hard Disk, so I can do some video conversion work. (I need to convert a concert that occured in my church with our new organ, but my hard disk is full of stuff, so I gotta clear it to the external TB one.

Thanks again for the input Holy Cannoli. (I love cannolis, my favorite, but I don't eat any made by nuns who take a vow of silence. Godfather III ref.) Vicarros in Baltimore are the bomb..

You won't see much input from me right now, no time to do this, I am trying to get caught up on stuff, I am just upload them for reference, if people want to see them.
Holy Cannoli
You are a fine example of one of the numerous problems that ails the diminishing and increasingly brain-dead laity within the Catholic Church.
That is the feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some defect, or the like within the Church and its clergy. In other words, it is a self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation or condition even though …More

You are a fine example of one of the numerous problems that ails the diminishing and increasingly brain-dead laity within the Catholic Church.

That is the feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some defect, or the like within the Church and its clergy. In other words, it is a self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation or condition even though that existing situation has obvious defects.

>>>Ignorance is not bliss.


Holy Cannoli
>>>Please stop telling these Holy Priests how to speak more engagingly.
I hope you are joking if not....
Obviously you don't realize how stupid your comment actually is. What you are saying is that our priests are good holy guys so leave the wonderful fellows alone. Sure, they need improvement in public speaking and they make very obvious blulnders but they are OUR GUYS so leave them alone. …More

>>>Please stop telling these Holy Priests how to speak more engagingly.

I hope you are joking if not....

Obviously you don't realize how stupid your comment actually is. What you are saying is that our priests are good holy guys so leave the wonderful fellows alone. Sure, they need improvement in public speaking and they make very obvious blulnders but they are OUR GUYS so leave them alone.

Holy priests or not, the recommendations I am making are CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICSIMS that are offered to improve their speaking ability (not to chastise) in order to make them more effective public speakers.

To strive for excellence is no sin. Indeed, there is plenty of mediocrity in today's Catholic Church.

I have a constructive criticism for you as well. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, you simpleton.

One more comment from Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
Much better than your last video. Your hand gestures were more controlled and, therefore, added to your presentation. Plus, you spoke with passion. Not hysteria, but a controlled passion. Very refreshing.
I have one suggestion that will add to your presentations. Use stories. Provide your listeners with a human interest story that they can latch on to. Too much theory and facts can cause brain …More
Much better than your last video. Your hand gestures were more controlled and, therefore, added to your presentation. Plus, you spoke with passion. Not hysteria, but a controlled passion. Very refreshing.

I have one suggestion that will add to your presentations. Use stories. Provide your listeners with a human interest story that they can latch on to. Too much theory and facts can cause brain freeze. Interpose anecdotal stories with which your listeners can identify. They will be more likely to remember the total message if they have these kinds of reminders to assist them.

p.s. Use “fewer priests, fewer nuns” not less priests less nuns.

holyrope 3
Tell it like it really is, Father! This is how the saints of old would have SPOKE UP! They weren't afraid to hurt someones' feelings, they rather save their SOULS, Unlike the majority of priests today, sadly, but is so! We need to hear what you are saying, and we need to hear it from ALL the leaders and shepherds of the Church, EVERYWHERE and in all the PULPITS. Will they be persecuted like you …More
Tell it like it really is, Father! This is how the saints of old would have SPOKE UP! They weren't afraid to hurt someones' feelings, they rather save their SOULS, Unlike the majority of priests today, sadly, but is so! We need to hear what you are saying, and we need to hear it from ALL the leaders and shepherds of the Church, EVERYWHERE and in all the PULPITS. Will they be persecuted like you Father? Absolutely, but if they want to truly follow Christ and His apostles, they better make their minds up fast, time is running out, and souls are being lost! Woe to them to whom much has been given! If we had more priests not only speaking the true faith but also LIVING IT, we would see families become families once again! We are like dead corpses walking around without our shepherds to lead us. We are sick and tired of putting money in the baskets all the while the liberals are feeding off us. Can't allow anymore! Thank goodness we have 3 Churches here that offer the Latin Mass!!!