
Archbishop Stops Jesuit Propagating Homosex "Blessing"

Pamplona's Archbishop Francisco Pérez González, 76, has stopped a May 8 talk of Josep Baquer, a homosex-activist and Jesuit, at Pamplona's Jesuits' school (InfoVaticana.com). Pérez reacted after strong protests, including on Gloria.tv. Baquer wanted to advertise blasphemous "blessings" of homosexuals. In previous pamphlets, he claimed that when there is "love" and "fidelity" between two homosexuals this is a "sacrament" and a "living expression of how Christ loves his Church". Today, every sexual perversion, including paedophilia, is justified by "love", while the Bible strongly condemns homosexual sins.

Picture: Josep Baquer, #newsZriadcslpt