De Profundis
'Vaccinated' populations suffering strange new illness doctors report foreign compounds found in vax
Salvatori Bastatti You said it right by the grace of God you had good physicians that took good care of you ,many were not so fortunate ,this injection indeed was and is evil and made and promoted by men that have no good will in mind and heart towards humanity or God
Salvatore Bastatti
I am an old Priest, who suffered a heart attack two years ago. By the grace of God a Chinese physician, cardiologist with a PhD from Harvard and his MD from MIT forbade me in writing and by voice from the so-called Covid 19 vaccine. I till this day wonder how he knew this vaccine was a total fraud, a killer. God did not want me to die, and the irony is he placed a Chinese born and student from …More
I am an old Priest, who suffered a heart attack two years ago. By the grace of God a Chinese physician, cardiologist with a PhD from Harvard and his MD from MIT forbade me in writing and by voice from the so-called Covid 19 vaccine. I till this day wonder how he knew this vaccine was a total fraud, a killer. God did not want me to die, and the irony is he placed a Chinese born and student from Beijing University who later studied at Harvard and MIT, an irony because China supposedly is the source of the corona virus that Faucci's gain of function paid for. Faucci is a monster, no less so is Gates.