AMAZON SYNOD: Buzzword Generator. Michael Matt loses patience. Reporting from Rome, Michael hits maximum Amazon overload during his daily video report earlier this evening. Why? Watch and see. As the …More
AMAZON SYNOD: Buzzword Generator.
Michael Matt loses patience. Reporting from Rome, Michael hits maximum Amazon overload during his daily video report earlier this evening. Why? Watch and see. As the situation here in Rome heated up dramatically this week--with Synod spokesmen openly admitting they are in favor of women priests--we have decided to stay here in Rome through next week. If you're enjoying these daily "synodal" updates, please consider a little donation to help get the RTV crew out of the Papal Twilight Zone and back home to their families. DONATE HERE: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/donate-home #UniteTheClans #ToHellWithVaticanII #AmazonSynod
Cristiano cattolico
The daily sacrifice will cease
8 October 2019
“… you will see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…” (Mt 24:15)
Jesus draws attention to Daniel’s prophecy which refers to the period of mass internal apostasy:
“…they shall defile the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifice, and place there the abomination of desolation.”(Dan 11:31) …More
The daily sacrifice will cease

8 October 2019

“… you will see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place…” (Mt 24:15)

Jesus draws attention to Daniel’s prophecy which refers to the period of mass internal apostasy:

“…they shall defile the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifice, and place there the abomination of desolation.”(Dan 11:31)

The sanctuary of God is defiled – the interior sanctuary – the living temple of the Holy Spirit, the Mystical Body of Christ – rather than an external temple. How was this temple defiled? By the spirit of antichrist.
