A Catholic can in no way unite with evil, even though someone would call it the “lesser evil.”
The followers of today’s modernist church have already departed even further from God than the Protestants, so who they will unite with there is no longer important, because they have united with the devil and have him as their father.
Look at the so-called “indult” as a form of cooperation with the …More
A Catholic can in no way unite with evil, even though someone would call it the “lesser evil.”

The followers of today’s modernist church have already departed even further from God than the Protestants, so who they will unite with there is no longer important, because they have united with the devil and have him as their father.

Look at the so-called “indult” as a form of cooperation with the modernists. It only allowed the isolation of the faithful with a traditional view of the faith and Francis had an easier task in eradicating such traditional groups. The superiors of the Brotherhood (FSSPX) also flirt with the Vatican, forgetting that with evil you do not discuss. The effects can already be seen – the first splits and slow deviations, which for the time being are still neutralized by a large number of great priests. Unfortunately, any cooperation with Satan ends in a fall.

“Children of light” – another edition of the heresy of ecumenism!

“Children of light” and “children of darkness” such a statement is used by Archbishop Vigano, for example. Such a division is, of course …
The Wandering Recluse
@Susan Bromley Thanks for the comment but I'm not sure I fully understand it. Choosing a lesser evil over a greater evil still does not make the lesser evil better in any way. Evil is evil regardless of the degree we place upon it and we always have a choice not to do it. A mortal sin is a greater sin than a venial sin, but choosing a venial sin because it is the lesser of two sins, is still wrong …More
@Susan Bromley Thanks for the comment but I'm not sure I fully understand it. Choosing a lesser evil over a greater evil still does not make the lesser evil better in any way. Evil is evil regardless of the degree we place upon it and we always have a choice not to do it. A mortal sin is a greater sin than a venial sin, but choosing a venial sin because it is the lesser of two sins, is still wrong to do. As far as the vaccine, whether it was tested or whether it actually contains HEK293, both are still wrong. An abortion is still required to do the testing, so it is directly connected with abortion and should be avoided.
Susan Bromley
This isn’t strictly true. It is true that we cannot unite with evil, but if we forced to choose; that we could not choose a lesser evil is false. The C19 jab is a case in point. The U.S. Bishops’ Conference said, given a choice, we must choose the least tainted vaccine. In other words, choose a vaccine that was only tested on the HEK293 cell line as opposed to one that actually contained HEK293 …More
This isn’t strictly true. It is true that we cannot unite with evil, but if we forced to choose; that we could not choose a lesser evil is false. The C19 jab is a case in point. The U.S. Bishops’ Conference said, given a choice, we must choose the least tainted vaccine. In other words, choose a vaccine that was only tested on the HEK293 cell line as opposed to one that actually contained HEK293 cells.