
Abuse Hoax: False Accusations Against John Paul II

The latest accusations against John Paul II by Dutch author Ekke Overbeek lack evidence, Polish journalist Tomasz Krzyżak explains after seeing the same files from the former Polish secret police SB (Stacja7.pl, March 17).

Overbeek claimed that John Paul II had transferred Bolesław Saduś (1917-1990), a priest he was friends with and whom Overbeek accused of being a paedophile, to Vienna in order to cover up criminal acts. Saduś was an adviser on religious education in Krakow's Archdiocese during Cardinal Wojtyła’s tenure.

Krzyżak counters that the SB documents do not say that Saduś was a "paedophile", let alone that Wojtyła wanted to "cover up" abuse.

The documents say only that Saduś engaged in homosexual sins. Explosive: This vice brought Saduś closer to the communist secret police, of which he had beena secret collaborator since 1949 and remained so when he left Poland at the end of 1972, says Krzyżak.

Saduś's departure for Austria may have been linked to a scandal, said Krzyżak, "but it was not a desire to hide a paedophile, but to get rid of the scandal-ridden priest."


He did enough wrong we don't need to make things up!