
Costa Rica? Unlikely – Francis Doesn’t Forgive Easily

According to various sources consulted by IlSismografo, the appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein as Nuncio in Costa Rica is "not true" and only a media manipulation.

IlSismografo says that it is rare to enter the Holy See's diplomatic service without special preparation although incompetence is not an obstacle to advancement in the Council Church.

One source says that the relations between Francis and Gänswein are "cordial and polite" BUT "Francis does not forget [= forgive] easily."

The differences between the two "have not completely disappeared,” especially because Gänswein's book “'Nothing but the Truth” annoyed Francis very much, probably not because it contained lies.

Gänswein defended himself by saying that he had left the manuscript in the hands of the publisher, Piemme (Mondadori), without following its editorial path.

When after Benedict's death, he realised that Piemme was preparing to publish the book, he tried in vain to stop its circulation, first by asking Gianni Letta, an adviser to Silvio Berlusconi, and then Marina Berlusconi, Berlusconi's eldest daughter and chairwoman of Mondadori.

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCqnruubtcx

Lisi Sterndorfer
Sources inside the Vatican have told CNA Deutsch that the news was “speculation at best.”
Gänswein to Costa Rica? Report of Benedict’s secretary becoming nuncio is ‘speculation,’ Vatican sources say | Catholic News Agency
Agatha James
One way to find who is leaking info is to give them a false story.