
The pillars of destruction

It is way too obvious what is going on inside the Church, Vatican II took away a lot from us, yet it wasn’t enough for them in the shadows, the false church had to go against everything our Lord desired, and sure, it is understandable the enemy’s hunger to destroy.

I am truly convinced, with no evidence, the false church started with the men who swore damnation upon them if they didn’t kill St Paul, from there, the hatred the devil had for our Lord permeated throughout the years through secret societies, just killing Christians on the spot wasn’t working, I mean, demons were creating martyrs left and right, the Church needed to be destroyed from within.

The forces of evil year by year throughout the entire salvation history has gone in two ways: killing Christians and killing the faith of Christians, both were truly satisfying for the deceiver, the king of lies.

Again, killing Christians wasn’t that great, because most times Saints, right at the edge of death, despite the temptations and attacks preferred Heaven, as martyrdom is Heaven in a silver platter, thing most of our Bishops and priests have forgotten.

The annihilation of the faith had to be done by lies dressed as truth, this why holy priests are so critical, as sheep’s souls are so attracted to Mercy in any way, shape or form, false mercy or Divine Mercy, souls are attracted to it, one will make your conscience to be at ease, the other will bring peace to your soul.

The false church targeted many faith pillars during their plotting, the chaff slowly but steady kept on working from the shadows to eclipse the past while embracing with “mercy” the realities of today, it has always been a strategy of words, twisting the Holy words of God into a false scheme, in which its central core IS: God is good and His Mercy will trump or cancel His Divine Justice.

Such a sweet, sweet beautiful lie… so appealing! God’s Mercy will cancel His Justice; everybody, I mean, demons, the chaff, the devil, the world, even priests were on board, this is how the good has been persecuted and even martyred; but hey, the reverse is also true, a part of the Church whom embraced Justice while canceling out Mercy, putting forth many pharisees, how delightful was this for the devil.

Jesus is balance, His Divine Mercy has Divine Justice and His Justice has Mercy, one cannot cancel the other because both comes from one source, Divine Love and God is Love. Souls are attracted to Mercy no matter the conditions… my proof? Souls in hell ask for Mercy every single time while been destroyed, even demons would love such a thing, if it meant going back to Heaven.

The enemy is within, I mean, how it cannot? We struggle WITHIN everyday as suggestions fly our way tempting us to fall, the process, the fight is internal, so too, is within the Church. The false church has targeted certain things to destroy, people just won’t see it but it’s true, as the enemies have been canceling the past despite not changing the laws, they just won’t obey them anyways, and chose to do new things, their own.

The Jesus of the past is no longer needed for the plot to work, only a new Jesus, the one from today, they even won’t hide it, is in plain sight: a new evangelization. So, the destruction of the pillars has gone underway, the catholic identity through these pillars is being passively targeted, persecuted and smoothly ripped to pieces. Now, I’ll name 3 pillars that are being replaced with antipillars or pillars of destruction.

The Pillars

1) The evangelization of other religions is considered nonsense.

Vatican II lay down the foundation for this in 1965 with nostra aetate, pope Paul VI tried to do something good but it ended being disastrous with this little piece of paper nostra aetate, even pope Benedict XVI the brave did proclaimed that nostra aetate was dangerous. I truly believe Paul VI just tried to tell people NOT to discriminate against any race or creed, and my proof is in the behavior he had during his last days, he prayed the creed constantly, as he thought he was a destroyer, he admit the smoke of satan entered through some crack, poor guy; not if that was his intent, it wasn’t necessary as Jesus said it even better with the story of the Samaritan, I mean, loving our fellow brethren is the second commandment after all, I guess, too many fights amongst religions took a toll on Paul VI and the enemy just took him for a ride with Vatican II and nostra aetate, I mean, the false church expanded on such and exploited this, then and now and call it ecumenism, today is just a disaster as Catholicism is drying up.

At least Francis has been a consistent destroyer, when he, at the beginning of his disastrous and destructive reign, lay down the lie as beautiful as possible, “religious proselytism is a solemn nonsense”, such beautiful words… accompanying the brother, not evangelizing him in any way, did prompt the Vatican to issue a statement, the Jews were no longer considered for evangelization, both St Stephen and St John the Baptist rolled in their graves.

The command of Jesus to go to all nations and share the good news of His sweet salvation has been obscured here, the pillar of going out and evangelize the entire world was the one tossed down, this is on itself APOSTASY.

2) All religions are well viewed in the eyes of God.

Jesus told us there’s NO other way to the Father, except through Him (John 14:6), look how amazing and wonderful our Lord is, the easiest way to God is through Jesus, isn’t that wonderful?

Now look the contrast, how the lie is beautiful for the unsuspecting and silly sheep, when in Dubai, Francis attached the wording of multiple religions with pluralism of cultures, sure God loves cultures, is like loving the many flowers He has, the Creator has many races which behave around the table in different ways, some things in His Eyes are hard to watch, for sure, I mean some cultures embrace tattooing which He hates, so the basic core of human culture could be said God loves, but not everything, this is why the good news of Jesus Christ is needed, yet that is NOT what Francis proclaimed, he said all religions are well viewed by God, so all the Muslims, budda loving and cow worshipping humans could continue their walk towards hell easily.

The false church is busy confirming the many consciences in error, some thinking, mercy has been given to them, when actually grave error will cast them away forever into that dark realm which Francis doesn’t believe, hell, another false mercy given to all. Jesus being the Way, and the Truth and the Life. NO one comes to the Father except through Me… pillar, has been eclipsed in Dubai by Francis, again this is APOSTASY.

3) Fiducia Supplicans (the blessing of homosexual couples and irregular couples).

Apostle Paul told the whole world, homosexuals are guilty, as well all people who promote sin, they’re worthy of death like any one of us with any other mortal sin (Romans 1:28-32), he also declared, no one with such sins would enter the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-11) but any of those who had such behaviors and deny them by electing to embrace the blood of Christ, any who chose Him instead of the world, such ARE on the right path to salvation… This is NOT what fiducia supplicans declares, it celebrates giving away what’s sacred, promotes giving it away to the dogs, the pearls been given to the pigs (Mat 7:6, 12-14).

Any gay couple who would seek a blessing are trying “secure” their sinful scandal, the blessing would put their minds at ease and hardened their hearts like the Egyptian pharaoh, now it’ll be difficult for them to embrace a holy life away from each other with such dark bond, which Francis secured through foolish and wicked priests, they will let them into hell with their blessing and they will be guilty of their doom, such priests will reach for themselves damnation.

Without Jesus, we can’t do anything at all, through Him all things are possible, but He’s not about celebrating sin, the pillar of sacredness and righteousness are being tossed for the sake of the filthiness of the world, this is APOSTASY.

The laws stay the same for sure they said many times, but they’re not following them, they instead are putting up some other pillars, contradicting laws which will destroy people, as the name of the game is: confirming people in their grave sins. The false church is so happy nowadays that working in the shadows is no longer a thing, they have Francis, the Jesus of the past is no longer relevant, their goal of today is to tumble the catholic identity, so eucharist in the hand, priests wearing street clothes, the cancelation of the old mass is just music for them but also their father the devil.

Few Priests have seen what’s going on and preferred to be meek as a dove and smart like the serpent and attack all this newness in their pulpits in an indirect manner, not pointing fingers to the culprit, resisting all they can… but IT IS NOT ENOUGH!

By their fruits we shall know them said the Lord about false prophets, and by Francis fruits we know who he is, one of the secrets of Fatima (3rd), was actually part of revelations on how Apostasy would come from the very top and do know, apostasy needs to be set in order for the man of perdition to be revealed, but also the Apostle said in order for Jesus to return such things need to happen, so don’t lose hope.

True, it is so disheartening seeing so many Bishops and priests embracing apostasy like if it is the most amazing thing, I mean, the persecution of traditionalists has been welcomed and even celebrated. The abomination of desolation is how when the Holy sacrifice will be stopped and I truly believed the antichrist is just waiting for this to revealed himself and enter the Temple like a hero; once the Holy sacrifice is stopped, the novus ordo mas will no longer have relevance, for 3 years traditionalists will have to walk the desert while false prophets rejoice.

My advice to you is: DON’T lose hope, REMAIN faithful, OPEN your eyes to what’s going on and stand your ground in Jesus. IF you are gay, or an evil doer like me, let’s DENY ourselves, let’s EMBRACE Christ and FOLLOW Him even if it’s to MARTYRDOM, like Him, let’s go like sheep to the slaughterhouse and suffer like He did (Hebrews 13).

“Lord, allow us to open our eyes to You, let us see You through the darkness, let us walk beside You in the wilderness, let us suffer like You outside of the camp, with You all is possible, without You my doomsday is assured, let me live You, and honor You, don’t leave me alone.” Amen

A big hug in Jesus Christ
Jan Joseph
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