The pillars of destruction

It is way too obvious what is going on inside the Church, Vatican II took away a lot from us, yet it wasn’t enough for them in the shadows, the false church had to go against everything our Lord desired …More
It is way too obvious what is going on inside the Church, Vatican II took away a lot from us, yet it wasn’t enough for them in the shadows, the false church had to go against everything our Lord desired, and sure, it is understandable the enemy’s hunger to destroy.
I am truly convinced, with no evidence, the false church started with the men who swore damnation upon them if they didn’t kill St Paul, from there, the hatred the devil had for our Lord permeated throughout the years through secret societies, just killing Christians on the spot wasn’t working, I mean, demons were creating martyrs left and right, the Church needed to be destroyed from within.
The forces of evil year by year throughout the entire salvation history has gone in two ways: killing Christians and killing the faith of Christians, both were truly satisfying for the deceiver, the king of lies.
Again, killing Christians wasn’t that great, because most times Saints, right at the edge of death, despite the temptations …More
Jan Joseph
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