"First, Archbishop Paglia’s criticism appears to be aimed directly at Catholic World News, since our report on the Mazzucato appointment called attention to the times (seven, actually) when her Twitter account clearly showed her pro-abortion sympathies. It is gratifying to know that at least the Vatican is sensitive to our criticism.
Second, the tweets that our report cited do not involve expert …More
"First, Archbishop Paglia’s criticism appears to be aimed directly at Catholic World News, since our report on the Mazzucato appointment called attention to the times (seven, actually) when her Twitter account clearly showed her pro-abortion sympathies. It is gratifying to know that at least the Vatican is sensitive to our criticism.
Second, the tweets that our report cited do not involve expert opinions or abstruse economic analysis. In every case, they convey fairly standard pro-abortion talking points and slogans.
Is it astonishing that a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life would applaud the rhetoric of the abortion lobby? Alas, not really. So does Archbishop Paglia."

Now the Pontifical Academy for Life adopts ‘pro-choice’ rhetoric

Is it astonishing that a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life would applaud the rhetoric of the abortion lobby? Alas, not really. So …
The Academy knows what they are doing.