
Neocon Cardinal: Benedict Opened Way For Francis

The biggest gesture of reform of the papacy in our times was Benedict XVI’s decision to resign, said Cardinal Marc Ouellet, 73, the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

Talking to Vatican News (February 11), he explained that Benedict’s resignation “opened the horizon to many transformations that Francis is carrying out”.

The Cardinal praises Benedict XVI for his discretion regarding Francis and imagines that the former pope had sometimes questions and was "surprised" by Francis. But Benedict XVI made “no intervention that could cast doubt on what his successor does.”

Ouellet, a neoconservative who was considered close the Benedict XVI, is now trying hard to conform to the new party-line.

Picture: Marc Ouellet, © Giansa25, wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsZgmqdknbsj
You should be happy to know you have been chosen to be one of the few who will live to see what has been foretold for centuries the coming of our lord and god
Lisi Sterndorfer
I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo. 'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'"
Bishop Williamson Exposes rome's Plan for Destroying the Neo-SSPX
Francis-Bergoglio Is Aiming at Its "Piecemeal Division and Disintegration
Bishop Richard Williamson Has Bernie Fellay's Number
Williamson, Once the Society of St. Pius X's Senior Bishop
Abandoned Fellay in 2012 because of Fellay's Plan
To Sell the Neo-SSPX out to the Anti-Catholic church of the New Order
Williamson Posits …More
Bishop Williamson Exposes rome's Plan for Destroying the Neo-SSPX
Francis-Bergoglio Is Aiming at Its "Piecemeal Division and Disintegration
Bishop Richard Williamson Has Bernie Fellay's Number
Williamson, Once the Society of St. Pius X's Senior Bishop
Abandoned Fellay in 2012 because of Fellay's Plan
To Sell the Neo-SSPX out to the Anti-Catholic church of the New Order
Williamson Posits that Francis-Bergoglio Is Aiming at Destroying the Neo-SSPX
By Engineering Its "Piecemeal Division and Disintegration"
Well over One Hundred Neo-SSPX Priests
Have Already Abandoned Fellay and Become Independent Traditional Priests
On February 10, 2018, the senior bishop of Archbishop Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X, who abandoned Bernie Fellay's Novus Ordo-bent Neo-SSPX in 2012, stated that Francis-Bergoglio is now trying to destroy Fellay's pseudo-traditional group by dividing it from within. Already Fellay, it is reported, has promised that whoever is elected Superior-general in the July 2018 election will submit his election to rome for Bergoglio's approval. Archbishop Lefebvre must be turning over in his grave at the treachery!
Williamson posits that now Bergiglio is not trying to engineer a "wholesale surrender" of the Neo-SSPX to his Marxist church of the New Order, but is instead aiming at its "piecemeal division and disintegration." Bergoglio has already gone a long way toward succeeding in this goal. Well over one hundred Neo-SSPX priests have now abandoned Fellay and become independent traditional priests. As Williamson explains it, Bergoglio makes "repeated enticing offers, each of which divides [Fellay's] Society priests so that some break away, while Menzingen [Fellay's headquarters] gets up its hopes, only to see them dashed by another impossible demand of [New]rome."
True Catholics, Bishop Williamson concludes: "And the game will go on until the [Fellay's] Society is completely undone.... To plead for the Society's unity behind pro-[New]rome Menzingen is to plead for the Society's destruction!" And Williamson, from his personal experience with both the courageous Archbishop Lefebvre and the perfidious Bernie Fellay ought to know!