Cheers to Dad (and all good fathers)!

The Brandy Manhattan

If Ann Barnhardt can occasionally drop a food post, why not me? Today, January 17th, marks seven years since my dad went to his judgment. I pray for his soul daily at Mass. He taught …
John A Cassani
I will have to try this one, as the Manhattan has always been my drink of choice. Mostly, I see it as a way to make cheap whisky drinkable, as it is a completely different drink when made with higher quality liquor. Never thought to try with brandy, but I will!
Harvey Millican
An actual cocktail glass is proper for this drink. The one pictured seems to be some artistic rendering of a cocktail glass. I like the classic kind shaped like an upside down cone on a stem.
Louis IX
Looks great. Why is the cocktail glass not proper?