
Dangerous Writings: Kissy Tucho Calls Catholics "Traditionalists"

Predictably, Tucho - Francis' destroyer of the Faith - told ReligionDigital.org (September 17) that criticism "from the traditionalist [= Catholic] sectors" against him was "predictable" and partly "directed at Francis".

He described his book on [homosexual] kissing as "innocent", adding that he had produced "several" texts that could be considered "much more dangerous" from a theological point of view because they were "on the edge" and "close to crossing the line."

ReligionDigital was too servile to ask Tucho for details. Tucho has never produced any significant theological writings.

For the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Tucho announced changes in procedure. He will "talk a lot" before taking action, which means, that he will condemn Catholics without even listening to them.

In an aside, Tucho admitted that Francis "sometimes seems to contradict himself."


Michael Matthew Speyrer
People that wrote articles like this, it’s like they don’t actually believe in Christ’s promises to his Church and somehow in their minds still think that qualifies them as Catholic.
Opera 369
Well, the adjective or name or title 'Catholics aka Traditionalist' ...has never been more spectacular and awesome than Now! It's an honor to be as far as possible from .. the "Argentinian Synodal Rainbow Church" of Tucho and Jorgo (aka francis). 🥳
Hound of Heaven
The law of inverse proportion: the larger the ego, the smaller the brain; all ego, no brain. The humblest among us are usually the smartest among us.
Tony M
Yes, Jorge so often contradicts himself.....because it is his way of playing us.
The liberal heretics within our Church of course take on board all of the sin excusing heretical things he says.
However, it is staggering to see so many supposedly orthodox Catholics fall for his tricks, time and time again, after ten years of ambiguities & self contradiction. The understanding of those people as to …More
Yes, Jorge so often contradicts himself.....because it is his way of playing us.
The liberal heretics within our Church of course take on board all of the sin excusing heretical things he says.
However, it is staggering to see so many supposedly orthodox Catholics fall for his tricks, time and time again, after ten years of ambiguities & self contradiction. The understanding of those people as to what a real Pope is has been shot to pieces.
My understanding and that of so many faithful Catholics, who refuse to be hoodwinked by this imposter, is that a True Pope is "The Rock' on which the Church is built, the defender of the True Faith of 2000 years, the custodian of it, the teacher and proclaimer of it...... as were the Popes of history. And we will continue to hold on to that understanding of what a pope is with every fibre of our being..... and we are not going to let Bergoglio blow it away.
No true Pope has EVER been a pertinaceous heretic. And Jorge rubs the pertinacity of his heresy, in our faces, when he says the heretical interpretation of Amoris Laetitia by the Buenos Aires bishops, and his letter ratifying their interpretation, as being 'Authentic Magisterium'.
So the green light given for sacrilegious Communion is now 'Authentic Magisterium"????? GIMME A BREAK. Pope Francis Promulgates Buenos Aires Guidelines Allowing Communion for Some Adulterers in AAS as his "Authentic Magisterium"Pope Francis Promulgates Buenos Aires Guidelines Allowing Communion for Some Adulterers in AAS as his "Authentic Magisterium"
Anyone who thinks a real pope can give the go-ahead for sacrilege in a statement, given to the whole Church and the whole world, and to brazenly call it "Authentic Magisterium", has had their understanding of what a Pope is totally.... wiped off the map.
The only job description that fits what Bergoglio has been saying, writing and doing over the last 10 years is ANTI-POPE....not the Pope!!!

What do we hear from the overwhelming majority of Bishops & Cardinals in their protection of their flock from Jorge's heresies as in Amoris Laetitia......A GREAT BIG ....... NOTHING!!!!!!!
What else can the flock reasonably do, but conclude, that those clerics, who don't speak up, are with Bergoglio all the way.
Thank you.... Archbishop Vigano....Bishop Strickland....Bishop Rene Henry Gracida....and Fr James Altman.... for your heroic defense of the Faith and of your flock....you give real Catholics so much consolation as we move forward into this.....The Church’s Final Trial in the End Times....The Catechism of the Catholic Church (675)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The devil.