The Monks of Big Sur New Camaldoli Hermitage--uploaded by irapuato. drrupertopie | August 24, 2009 A video prayer from New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur Califonia. If you have been there your experience …More
The Monks of Big Sur New Camaldoli Hermitage--uploaded by irapuato.

drrupertopie | August 24, 2009 A video prayer from New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur Califonia.
If you have been there your experience will be rekindled and if not, you may want to go after seeing this...
Albert the Great
Dear mgseamanjr,
Perhaps you are unaware that the Benedictine Order was asked by successive Popes to be involved in both ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue and that the Order as whole has been involved in this work since the 1950’s, with some individual monasteries being involved in ecumenical dialogue (particularly with the Eastern Orthodox) since the 1920’s.
I would suggest that you need …More
Dear mgseamanjr,

Perhaps you are unaware that the Benedictine Order was asked by successive Popes to be involved in both ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue and that the Order as whole has been involved in this work since the 1950’s, with some individual monasteries being involved in ecumenical dialogue (particularly with the Eastern Orthodox) since the 1920’s.

I would suggest that you need to see both the books on other world religions in the Hermitage Bookstore and some of the inter- religious activities of the monks in that context. You may feel that inter-religious dialogue is inappropriate for catholic monastics. However, if that is the case then your issue is with the expressed wishes of the Pontificate rather than with this community.

Your message does at least offer something like evidence for what you claim. This is considerably more than some of the other posts responding to the video and besmirching the reputation of the monks at New Camaldoli.

You used several lines from what you say is a longer sermon (?) to justify your assertions that the community is guilty of ‘new age syncretism’. However, the context of the whole quotation you made such use of is as important as the words you selected to use. This is particularly so given the seriousness of the charges you make against this community. I have sent you several polite private messages asking for the source of the quotation you used which you have not as yet responded to. I can therefore only conclude that your ‘evidence’ would not be able to stand objective scrutiny.

Clearly, you were unimpressed and unedified by your visit to the Hermitage. I am sure that the monks would be saddened to hear that. Perhaps, if you visit again you should ask to speak to one of the monks to discuss your concerns. The aim of the community is very simple – to abide in the presence of God. Many people who visit the Hermitage seem to grasp the profundity of the monk’s witness and leave with a deep sense of the love of God for them and for all His creation. I hope and pray that one day you will be able to see that for yourself.

Peace and every blessing to you.
Albert, if you want evidence for new age spirituality at New Camaldoli, I suggest you take a walk through their bookstore, which is replete with books on the subject, including centering prayer and other topics that should be off limits to Catholics. Since when do professed hermits wear lay clothes, spend lengthy time at Buddhist ashrams, and preach, as one "celebrated" New Camoldoli monk has (…More
Albert, if you want evidence for new age spirituality at New Camaldoli, I suggest you take a walk through their bookstore, which is replete with books on the subject, including centering prayer and other topics that should be off limits to Catholics. Since when do professed hermits wear lay clothes, spend lengthy time at Buddhist ashrams, and preach, as one "celebrated" New Camoldoli monk has (viewable online), that:

"Religion, as I use the term, should be written with a capital R to distinguish it from various religions" [i.e. all "religions" find their source in "Religion" and when "Religion" is institutionalized, it becomes merely "a religion"]. "Religion [is revealed through] our peak experiences" [so that] "we discover...what we mean by God, if we want to use that term. We experience that we belong to God. Our true self is the divine self."

Now, Albert, what would you call that if not New Age sycretism? I am continually astounded that Catholic clergy seem to think we need to go to Buddhism to find the Truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth--you need not look any further (and you should know better).
Albert the Great
Both Marcus Josephus and EJG Catholic should be thoroughly ashamed of their disrespectful and inaccurate comments below. Remember that you are talking about men who have selflessly followed the call of the Lord to become monks and who have devoted their lives to solitude and prayer - interceding for the needs of all people. You should use that as a mirror and if your own life even comes close, then …More
Both Marcus Josephus and EJG Catholic should be thoroughly ashamed of their disrespectful and inaccurate comments below. Remember that you are talking about men who have selflessly followed the call of the Lord to become monks and who have devoted their lives to solitude and prayer - interceding for the needs of all people. You should use that as a mirror and if your own life even comes close, then perhaps you can make your nasty little detractive comments about them.

As to specifics in your messages:

Marcus Josephus: please state exactly where is the canonical, authorized text for the monastic liturgy of the hours. From your comment, expressed so emphatically, you must have extensive post-doctoral studies in both the history of the liturgy and canon law as it applies to contemplative institutes. Let me save you the trouble - there is no such authorized text for monastic orders (although there is one in preparation and even this will not be binding). Perhaps in the future you should limit your comments to something you know even a little about, this is clearly something you know nothing about.

EGJ Catholic: where is your evidence (any evidence) that this community is "
known for there new age-ish Liberal outlook,Syncretism, ... etc."? This is an extremely serious allegation to make and yet you feel that you have the right to do so without a shred of proof ... the arrogance of that position is staggering.
You also state that you have experience of both branches of the Camaldolese. Clearly, it is not as extensive as you think. The Coronesi (Camaldolese Hermits of Monte Corona) do not follow the brief rule of St Romuald. Like St Romuald, they follow the Rule of Benedict, albeit with an extensive customary and set of constitutions which modifies it considerably.

To quote from Marcus Josephus' comment, which is far more applicable to both of you than it ever was to the holy men you insulted:

God forgive them and grant them repentance.
@Ele et Co. - Indeed! One can hear a great deal of beauty in the praxis of their chant - after the style of Michael Talbot. In and of itself this is rather beautiful and has its roots in the modal music of the Catholic Church. This Chant cannot be claimed by any creed, race or nation since the modes pre-date Western Civilisation; the roots of which are located in Tibet, Mongolia and ultimately the …More
@Ele et Co. - Indeed! One can hear a great deal of beauty in the praxis of their chant - after the style of Michael Talbot. In and of itself this is rather beautiful and has its roots in the modal music of the Catholic Church. This Chant cannot be claimed by any creed, race or nation since the modes pre-date Western Civilisation; the roots of which are located in Tibet, Mongolia and ultimately the ancient Chinese (pre-empire). Therefore, they are the heritage of all mankind.

However, in the West the ancient Christian Churches, e.g. Greek, Coptic, Alexandrian, Roman, etc., have preserved eight of these modes in their sacred music. Now, the bhuddists, Zen, Hindu and Mulsim all use these same modes (including two which the west has discontinued, namely with tonic 'b', and tonic 'e' - slightly sharper than e-natural).

The Christian Church and the aforementioned ancient pagan religions share this music. I offer to you the fact, therefore, that we all share the fundemental emotive import - it sound lovely, it makes us FEEL spiritual. This stiring of the human soul is natural to all and is called 'praeter-natural'. This is behind the phenomenon of the 'poltergeist' etc. The human being is indeed quite gifted, indeed we are told this in scripture, "even greater things will you do".......

However, the difference between the ancient aforementioned pagan religions and us Christians is this: we have access to the ONE, to the only necessary TRUTH who is Christ Jesus - God incarnate. He alone situates and focuses or hones the aforesaid praeter-natural ability of men; indeed, perfects it. Therefore, only in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit can this all pervading human gift be fully developed. But for what purpose? For the edification of the community of men; the working of the risen Lord in and through us for the Salvation of souls.

In fine, while the use of the ancient modes may make you FEEL that this community is holy and that the Spirit is present, you must analyse this emotion in the light of learning; test the emotions. You will find that the content of their life and prayer only, like the ancient eastern pagan religions, tap the praeter-natural of men, NOT the SUPER-natural of God. They, like Michael Talbot, have only now begun...... 🧐 Where the ancient Chrisitian monks have tread, these synchronistic ones have only just begun! Let us pray that as they progess, they will abandon this synchronism for the Truth..... and so take the path of their Christian forefarther.... 🤗
Beautiful....The spirit flows beautifully within the chanting how clear it is that the holy spirit is among them, let us pray for continue praise so that this spirit can be brought into the world and govern the earth. Jesus is ever peaceful, loving, and present!!!!!
Irapuato, i am sorry to inform you that the Camaldolese at Big Sur ( Camaldolese Benedictine)are known for there new age-ish Liberal outlook,Syncretism, and Hindu/Buddhist based musiccal meditation CD's and writings.
Camaldolese monks, are split into 2 branches, of which i have experience with both, in Italy and USA\
The .Camaldolese branch following a Benedictine Rule, are in need of total …More
Irapuato, i am sorry to inform you that the Camaldolese at Big Sur ( Camaldolese Benedictine)are known for there new age-ish Liberal outlook,Syncretism, and Hindu/Buddhist based musiccal meditation CD's and writings.
Camaldolese monks, are split into 2 branches, of which i have experience with both, in Italy and USA\
The .Camaldolese branch following a Benedictine Rule, are in need of total renewal and reform-some living in cities, teaching, dressed as layman. etc.., the other Branch of 'Camaldolese Monks of Monte Corona
',following their own Constitituons and St. Romuald's Brief Rule,
are traditional, hermits and very good, In Poland Italy,Brazil and Blomingdale Ohio.
marcus josephus
Yuck. They are using an unauthorized, uncannonical and illicit version of the Hours. They replace "Him" with "God", "who" and any other emasculating word except "Him". God forgive them and grant them repentance.
Yuck. They are using an unauthorized, uncannonical and illicit version of the Hours. They replace "Him" with "God", "who" and any other emasculating word except "Him". God forgive them and grant them repentance.

Welcome to New Camaldoli Hermitage
The life of a Camaldolese monk radiates outward in various rhythms, involving him in solitude and community, silence and fraternal encounter, prayer and work, study and recreation. He is dedicated to the love and praise of God in the bond of fraternal charity.
www.contemplation.com In 1958, the Camaldolese motherhouse in Italy established New Camaldoli Hermitage …More
Welcome to New Camaldoli Hermitage
The life of a Camaldolese monk radiates outward in various rhythms, involving him in solitude and community, silence and fraternal encounter, prayer and work, study and recreation. He is dedicated to the love and praise of God in the bond of fraternal charity.

www.contemplation.com In 1958, the Camaldolese motherhouse in Italy established New Camaldoli Hermitage here in Big Sur, California and since then nearly 160,000 retreatants and a half million visitors have shared our contemplative spirituality. For many, New Camaldoli has become a spiritual oasis in their life journey, a place they return to for spiritual nourishment.
New Camaldoli Hermitage, a monastic institution within the Roman Catholic Church, exists to give witness to the truth that God is the ultimate meaning and purpose of life and lives within each person. Through contemplative living and prayer, an access to the inner journey, the monks of New Camaldoli discover and incarnate this truth and support oblates, retreatants, and guests in their life spiritual journey through the ministry of hospitality.
Today in our society, in our culture, and in our world people desire meaning and purpose. Many people are looking everywhere for the answer, the fulfillment to their desire for meaning and purpose, without looking inside themselves. And yet, deep within each one of us is the meaning, the energy, and the purpose.
The monks of New Camaldoli Hermitage live a contemplative life of prayer and practice which gives witness to the meaning, the energy, and the purpose that lives within each person. In monastic language, the monks would say that this meaning, this energy, this purpose is, “God who lives within each person”.
New Camaldoli Hermitage holds a gift for our society and our world. The monks realize that the life they live not only develops their own spiritual, contemplative search and desire but also provides a witness, a spirit that touches the seeking of many others and thus becomes an energy of compassion that flows into our broken world.
The guest/retreatant facilities at New Camaldoli can be reserved six months in advance and offer a rich, inner experience that our guests discover during their time here at the Hermitage.
We invite you to come and spend a day or two with us. See for yourself how our community can serve you on your own inner journey. Whether your visit is for an overnight, for a few hours, or just a few minutes, we invite you to listen to and experience the silence of this place and the silence of your heart.
There are fewer and fewer opportunities for silence and reflective solitude in modern life. We believe that our ministry, though quiet, is necessary and of great value to the spiritual development of our retreatants and visitors.
We invite those exploring a monastic vocation to prayerfully consider our way of life and those who share our commitment to contemplative spirituality to support our efforts to maintain this place of sanctuary and solitude.

Welcome to New Camaldoli Hermitage
The life of a Camaldolese monk radiates outward in various rhythms, involving him in solitude and community, silence and fraternal encounter, prayer and work, study and recreation. He is dedicated to the love and praise of God in the bond of fraternal charity.
Cash-strapped monks look to fully tap their baking power
The Catholic monks of the New Camaldoli Hermitage near Big Sur have lived a world apart for 50 years. To tackle a $300,000 deficit, they know they need to promote their fruitcake business as a brand.